Time For a Bigger Machete: Mezcal’s Slow but Steady Process With DABS

Time For a Bigger Machete: Mezcal’s Slow but Steady Process...

SLUG sat down with Francis Fecteau, wine broker and owner of Libation, LLC, to discuss the trials of mezcal in Utah. … read more

Maguey Makes its Way: Wahaka Mezcal’s Journey Through the DABC

Maguey Makes its Way: Wahaka Mezcal’s Journey Through the DABC

Mezcal is a spirit made from varieties of the agave plant—it’s basically tequila’s cooler older brother. Libation’s Francis Fecteau brokered with the DABC to get Wahaka Mezcal’s joven mezcal onto DABC shelves on a consistent basis for everyday consumers. … read more