Top Five Albums of 2024 To Kill Your Colonizer 

Top Five Albums of 2024 To Kill Your Colonizer 

From Niger to Palestine to Haiti, there are many people living under brutal imperialist powers. It’s impossible not to witness and it’s important to tune in.  … read more

Review: Various Artists – Killed by Death Rock Vol. 2

Review: Various Artists – Killed by Death Rock Vol. 2

Killed by Death Rock Vol. 2 = Joy Division + Gang of Four + Sisters of Mercy + Gratitude … read more

Review: Various Artists – Faux Real II

Review: Various Artists – Faux Real II

Faux Real II = Your mom’s VHS collection + Flight Of The Conchords – tape tracking … read more

Review: Various Artists – A.L.P.H.A

Review: Various Artists – A.L.P.H.A

Various Artists A.L.P.H.A Geska Records Out Now It’s hard enough to keep up on the new music coming out, but then you pick up something like the double-disc A.L.P.H.A. compilation and suddenly there’s a plethora of new talent to discover. The Geska label provides more than a music service, but also a bank full of

Review: Various Artists – Soundwave Assassins 2

Review: Various Artists – Soundwave Assassins 2

Various Artists Soundwave Assassins 2 Backscatter Out Now With so many talented Salt Lake acts producing new music all over the place, it’s always welcoming to have a single disc that showcases the variety of their efforts. The second volume in the Soundwave Assassin series offers 13 compelling tracks balancing experimental, noise, harsh electronics and

Review: Various Artists – Fuck

Review: Various Artists – Fuck

VARIOUS ARTISTS FUCK Hive Records   As a teenager, the idea of a compilation called, Fuck, the message to “fuck mediocre electronica” and the image of a female tied up in on the cover might have appealed to me, but seems like a tired idea nowadays and also deems irrelevant to the music. With that