The beatles

The Contemporary Not-So-Love Story of One to One: John &...
One to One: John & Yoko might’ve been all over the place, but so was that generation. … read more

Catalyst 20 Years Later: A Conversation with New Found Glory
I found myself with the opportunity to interview Cyrus Bolooki, drummer of New Found Glory, in the context of the band’s current tour celebrating the 20th anniversary of their iconic album Catalyst. … read more

Dapper at Daybreak: Records, Auctions and Community
Sherwood has spent an inordinate amount of time and effort hunting down records—even traveling the world to buy whole collections. … read more

Local Review: Fozzy and the Fairies – Birdsong
Indie folk band Fozzy and The Fairies have released their second album, Birdsong. … read more

Local Review: Dad Bod – Loop de Loop Miracle Ministries...
Loop de Loop is a tour de force—it’s the most magnificent and opulent record to date for Dad Bod. … read more

Local Review: Lost Penguins – fix it – da world
Lost Penguins = FIDLAR – of Montreal (Freewave Lucifer f

AVANT ROCK: EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC FROM THE BEATLES TO BJÖRK BILL MARTIN Open Court Publishing Street: 02.01.00 Bill Martin is a bass player and a philosophy professor at DePaul University who examines the “way out” music of the past 50 years and tries to put in theoretical frame-work using the thoughts of intellectual heavies such as

More Records … November 1995
I can’t possibly continue to compare all these CDs to Green Day, some people like Green Day, I won’t be reaching these people… … read more