The 1975

Review: The 1975 – Being Funny in a Foreign Language
The 1975 = Bon Iver + The Beatles + Drive Like I Do … read more

Review: The 1975 – Notes on a Conditional Form
The 1975 = Tears For Fears + a dash of Post Malone + Brian Eno … read more

The 1975 @ The Complex w/ I Don’t Know How...
On a cold night of an ostensibly cold year in a nearly untenably chilling era, The 1975 threw a string of shimmering lights across the darkness. … read more

Review: The 1975 @ UCCU W/ Pale Waves, No Rome...
For their third run-in with Utah audiences, the bombastic and ever ballooning indie pop foursome The 1975 graced the UCCU Events Center making for a wonderfully unusual Monday evening … read more

Review: The 1975 – A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships
Manchester pop band The 1975 have made the rounds in the past few years, with their sophomore album having solidified their placement as rebellious influencers on the indie scene. However, they have arguably transcended this persona as of late. … read more

The 1975 @ Saltair with Colouring, Pale Waves
Droves of trendy teenage millennials converged on Saltair on May 5, and when the doors opened, the screaming diaspora flooded into the venue oddly juxtaposed with a soothing oceanic odor in the air. My self-imposed mission entailed chasing the night’s act—burgeoning genre-bending pop masters The 1975. … read more