Tame Impala

Review: Justice – Hyperdrama
Justice Hyperdrama Ed Banger Records Street: 04.26 Justice = Gesaffelstein + Parov Stelar Since the debut of Cross in 2007, Justice has floated in and out of the limelight, but never out of EDM’s essential canon. Where in classical music there has remained the same several names and faces that captured a movement, Justice has

Review: Tame Impala – Currents
Tame Impala = Moonlust-era Holydrug Couple x Cut Copy / Ducktails … read more

Tame Impala @ The Depot 05.29 with Kuroma
I arrived at The Depot right as Kuroma, who apparently have members of MGMT’s touring band, were walking on stage and getting into their first song. These guys play a really great blend of psychedelic rock and sunny, beach-ready indie pop. After they finished their first song and I’d gotten settled on the main floor, their guitarist ran off stage and disappeared for about three minutes because he’d left his electric guitar on the service elevator on the side of the stage. … read more