Turn of the Century Renaissance Man: April 1995

Turn of the Century Renaissance Man: April 1995

Danzig intends to bring the same integrity and dedication to comic publishing that his supporters have observed for over 15 years in the music industry. … read more

Straight Freak Ticket Interview w/ Love Battery

Straight Freak Ticket Interview w/ Love Battery

Love Battery has been one of my favorite bands for quite a while. They just barely released their new album, Straight Freak Ticket and they’re coming to SLC! … read more

Latimer: March 1995

Latimer: March 1995

Latimer equals sound. Latimer is a big sound that is manipulated and layered. Four guys from Philadelphia that happen to be loud as hell. … read more

Lou Barlow of Sebadoh: February 1995

Lou Barlow of Sebadoh: February 1995

Lou Barlow is no slouch. In my high-tech home environment phone interviews are recorded using the latest in modern technology. … read more

Shadowplay: January 1995

Shadowplay: January 1995

Shadowplay has been around SLC since 1989. They’re one of those bands that everyone’s heard of and you think you may know someone who’s played with them. … read more

Interview: Jawbox

Interview: Jawbox

The last few years, Jawbox is good music. If you can afford it, go see them on the big stage. If you can’t, they’ll be back in the clubs soon. … read more

Interview: Charlie Musselwhite

Interview: Charlie Musselwhite

We just have a good time. Nobody wants to be the star. We like music, and wanna make good music, and that’s all there is to it. … read more

Interview: Bad Religion

Interview: Bad Religion

Intelligent, uncompromising, perpetually challenging the status quo: all of the above help to describe Bad Religion, the thinking-man’s hardcore act. … read more

Interview: March 1993

Interview: March 1993

Recently, I had a chance to interview some members of The Candy Skins by phone—drummer John Halliday, singer Nick Cope and Karl Shale, the bass player. Listening to the tape of our conversation, I realized I couldn’t tell one from the next. … read more

Interview: Sonic Youth

Interview: Sonic Youth

Spare us the attitude and read what Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth had to say about Dirty, natural anarchists, and Free Kitten. … read more