Literature: September 1992

Literature: September 1992

Both writers deserve to be read. McKenna’s work adds a rich cultural perspective to the argument against the War On Drugs as an excuse to wage war on the people of different cultures. The book is without apology, and for this it should be commended. … read more

Concert Review: August 1992

Concert Review: August 1992
By , ,

DV8 certainly packs in the crowds for shows. No matter what you may think of the club or its reputation, it’s still a great place to see shows. … read more

Record Reviews: March 1993

Record Reviews: March 1993
By ,

Go buy their CD now to be prepared. It is one of the best things I’ve heard in what is shaping up to be an exciting year in music. … read more

Concert Reviews: January 1993

Concert Reviews: January 1993
By , ,

Salt Flat CD Release Party: I think the evening was successful, I hope the CD does as well as the show does. … read more