Art Space: Opera

Art Space: Opera

If you like acting, you would like the opera. If you like music, you would like opera. If you like musicals or dancing, you would love the opera. … read more

Comic Reviews: October 1992

Comic Reviews: October 1992

The comic book industry has been dominated for years by two companies, Marvel and D.C. But lately, so-called “independent” companies have been gaining strength. One of the foremost of these is Dark Horse Comics. Dark Horse has built a great deal of popularity around movie titles like Predator, Terminator, and Aliens, yet the company’s strength

Record Review: October 1992

Record Review: October 1992

Jarboe’s Thirteen Masks is the latest release from SKY Records. Jarboe is the keyboard player and second vocalist for Swans. … read more

Comic Review: September 1992

Comic Review: September 1992

The Tundra press has recently gained an impressive reputation as being less corporate-minded and more supportive of comics creators’ rights. … read more

Concert Review: September 1992

Concert Review: September 1992
By ,

Everyone knows what it’s like to go see a band you have neither seen nor heard before. You walk to the door hoping the overcharge isn’t too much but you’re reassured by your buddies that it’s much better than sitting at home. … read more

Book Review: August 1992

Book Review: August 1992

For those unfamiliar with Robert Anton Wilson, the manis probably the most impressive and influential wielder of the literary mindfuck. Luckily, those of us who view Wilson as a guru can be placated by his latest work. … read more

Comic Review: August 1992

Comic Review: August 1992

While the comics industry continues to be dominated by superhero material, there are more comics embracing a “new wave” philosophy of being “different.” … read more

Industrial Notes: August 1992

Industrial Notes: August 1992

Fulfilling the promise of The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste and going further and heavier, Psalm 69 is an all-out assault by Ministry. … read more

Interview: SLUG talks to Mick Allen of The Wolfgang Press

Interview: SLUG talks to Mick Allen of The Wolfgang Press

Watch for the return of The Wolfgang Press this Fall and keep your eyes open for their latest U.S. single, whatever it may be. … read more

Film Review: Aelita: Queen of Mars

Film Review: Aelita: Queen of Mars

Welcome to Mars, a planet with pretty strict immigration policies and a third of its populace packed away on ice. A land where luscious Queen Aelita reigns but doesn’t rule! … read more