The Psyclone Rangers: May 1995

The Psyclone Rangers: May 1995

When I asked Jean from World Domination about an interview with Jonathan Valania, she said “OK, but I should warn you that he’s nuts.”  … read more

Band Interview: The Cult

Band Interview: The Cult

The Cult finally, finally, finally played in Salt Lake on Monday, February 27; almost 10 years after the now legendary Love was released. … read more

Little Records: January 1995

Little Records: January 1995

These are all singles. Most play at 45 rpm and you need a turntable to hear them. Some are colored, some are not; some have big holes and some don’t. … read more

Questioning the Corporate Culture with Steve Albini

Questioning the Corporate Culture with Steve Albini

I’m not going to waste your time with some big introduction for Steve Albini. He is a producer and a musician. You have probably heard some of the albums he’s recorded. … read more

Steel Pole Bathtub: “Scars From Montana”

Steel Pole Bathtub: “Scars From Montana”

There aren’t many bands doing what Steel Pole Bath Tub is doing, be it popular or not. … read more

‘Gritty Bits’ from ‘the Russ Meyer Interview’: June 1995

‘Gritty Bits’ from ‘the Russ Meyer Interview’: June 1995

Despite his claim that he hates “goddamn interviews” and he was sick of yacking after his road trip, Meyer seemed eager to talk about his movies. … read more

The Stiff Sheet: May 1995

The Stiff Sheet: May 1995

SLUG Writers review national albums from the likes of Johnette Napolitano, Holly Vincent, Innocence Mission and The Leaving Trains among others. … read more

Band Interview: Smile

Band Interview: Smile

Scott Reeder attacks his drums, Aaron Sonnenberg pummels his bass and Mike Rosas sings and manipulates his guitar to sound like a tortured soul. … read more

Melvins Interview: April 1995

Melvins Interview: April 1995

My good friend Nick at Graywhale Entertainment gave me Stoner Witch by the Melvins for Christmas. … read more

Low Pop Suicide

Low Pop Suicide

Low Pop Suicide made it to the Cinema Bar on February 18th. Before the show, Rick Boston was kind enough to sit down and share his insight with SLUG. … read more