
Publik Spans the City
As I sat at the new Publik Kitchen in the 9th and 9th area, eating an amazing, syrup-drenched, mocha French toast, I could feel this presence of motion—of ideas, as much as utensils, putting feet to the pavement. … read more

Chefs, Chow, Cookies & Coffee: PechaKucha Night Vol. 12 @...
The PechaKucha format is brilliant. Japanese for “chit chat,” it was invented in Tokyo in 2003, and since has spread to almost 800 different locations worldwide. The presenters have six minutes and forty seconds to discuss whatever they want, and they are pushed along by a slideshow, which is moving on without them. To anyone who has listened to someone drone on publicly while people cough and shift in their chairs, this format is heaven sent. … read more