Ring Rats Anonymous: UCW-Zero Live TV Taping @ UCW Arena 12.15

Ring Rats Anonymous: UCW-Zero Live TV Taping @ UCW Arena...

 The company’s perennial “Looney Tune” appears to be off his meds again. At least, that’s the only conclusion I can draw while watching him crawl towards the ring like some kind of drunken drama-club drop out. He tried to have his way with Bryan Austin, fresh faced and greener than goose-shit in wrestling years, by sadistically choking him in the ropes. However, a quick-thinking Austin used Bronson’s own exaggerated moves against him, and managed to sneak in a quick pin for his first win and a significant upset! … read more

Ring Rats Anonymous: UCW-Zero Incarceration Live TV Taping @ UCW Arena 11.30

Ring Rats Anonymous: UCW-Zero Incarceration Live TV Taping @ UCW...

Last Saturday night, punctuated by a giant steel cage and a crowded arena, UCW-Zero had one of their finest moments as a company. It was a night of great rivalries mounting to a head, excellent plot twists and more than enough blood n’ carnage to keep any wrestling fan content.   … read more

Ring Rats Anonymous: UCW-Zero TV Taping @ UCW Arena 11.16

Ring Rats Anonymous: UCW-Zero TV Taping @ UCW Arena 11.16

Having been basically manhandled by Bravo in the past, James wasted no time getting some great hits in on Bravo early on. Per usual, Bravo went with his hormones and started flirting with Sierra Rose who promptly smacked the tar out of him. The brawl between Bravo and James continued outside of the ring where Bravo resorted to using a crowbar he’d stashed underneath. … read more

Ring Rats Anonymous: UCW-Zero TV Taping @ UCW Arena 11.02

Ring Rats Anonymous: UCW-Zero TV Taping @ UCW Arena 11.02

This weekend, the (posthumous) Halloween spirit of mirth and trickery hung thick over the ring at the UCW-Zero Arena. In the crowd, I spotted a hunchback, a few princesses, a very convincing King Diamond and even a Mankind/Mick Foley costume. Wrestling fans have always liked pageantry, and that’s what they got this weekend! … read more

Ring Rats Anonymous: UCW Zero Live TV Taping @ UCW Arena 10.19

Ring Rats Anonymous: UCW Zero Live TV Taping @ UCW...

Festivities began with a recently “heeled” Derrick Janetty full-on inviting the audience to go to hell and a hearty proclamation that both he and Martin Casaus would be holding on to the Tag Team championship, by hook or by crook, to an arena-wide flurry of boos. This was until the American Pitbulls, comprised of Jason Jaxon and “The Captain” Craig Stevens arrived to issue their challenge for the belt, all to take place during the main event match. With the crowd tense n’ ready for the melees to take place, the event was underway. … read more