princess kennedy

The Princess and the Pro
People constantly ask me how I keep my lithe stature and showgirl calfs. My answer is as simple as my regimen: a mix of bicycling with light jazz-handing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I’m an avid cyclist 365 days. Like, haven’t-owned-a-car-in-15 years, rode-my-bike-across-Europe-twice kind of enthusiast. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Holy Craft!
While I was hanging out with Bea Dazzler (this super fierce RGDQ/designer), I coaxed her into helping me patch a pair of my favorite skinny jeans. While I sat crafting my pants back together, I realized how much I missed sitting around a good old-fashioned stitch and bitch with my girlfriends.
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Princess Kennedy: Boys Suck! – July 2009
It seems like an entire decade since I sat down at the computer to write my last article. I’m actually surprised I haven’t suffered some kind of alcohol-related syndrome from my traveling to pride festivals around the country. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Froot Beer – June 2009
I’ve never lived in a place that holds beer in such a high regard as the 801. Even my own family was the bootleggin’, hooch makin’ kind. … read more

Princess Kennedy’s Trantastic Guide to Being Gay Trash – May...
I’m here with a guide to get your gay on. From lingo to parties, I got your back gurl—You’ll need to do a little research. Luckily you have an entire month until Gay Pride. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Hot Buttered Nights – April 2009
In times of political strife and repressed economies the parties get GOOD! We come together for a common cause and drink our way through it with a collective “Fuck you.” … read more

Princess Kennedy: Bad Ass Battle Axe Bitches – March 2009
Each one different from the other, the Battle Axe Girls use the power of three to mesh a perfect brace of danger and femininity into a little project they’ll be featuring at Oni Tattoo Gallery. I was able to sit down with the charmed ones and chat about art, pugs and ass play. … read more
Princess Kennedy – February 2009
Every year at this time, I reassess my fantasy about being a 400-lb. shut-in. There is something very comforting about never having to leave my comfy bed, eating whatever I want and devoting 100 percent of my time to my first love – watching television. … read more
How I Spent My Christmas/Hanukkah/ Winter Solstice Vacation
Jesus Christ––I’m glad your birthday is over. What kind of bullshit is X-mas in a recession? Normally, I’m quite the festive Tranny, but I found this year to lack the zenith held in Christmas past. My mom and dad gave me one of my alltime favorite presents: They left town. … read more
Princess Kennedy: Gettin’ Gay Married
The Mormon church, no matter how disgusting, hateful and influential they were, should not be the only ones targeted. A poll in California showed that the largest supporters for Prop 8 were people over 65, Asians and African Americans … read more