27 Club Performer: Lindsay Heath

27 Club Performer: Lindsay Heath

It was 1991, and I was 10 years old. I so vividly recall one night head-banging while balancing on my skateboard, facing the television in the middle of my childhood living room as I pretended to be Kurt Cobain and Dave Grohl simultaneously, singing and air-drumming along with “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” hoping to impress my babysitter. … read more

27 Club Performer: Aaron Ray aka Sissy Riot

27 Club Performer: Aaron Ray aka Sissy Riot

The first time that Nirvana resonated with me would have been some time in middle school when I was reading a back issue of Guitar World magazine of my oldest brothers. The person interviewing Kurt Cobain was hassling him a little about the couple of times he had worn dresses on and off stage, Kurt was having none of that and simply said “I’m not gay, but I wish I were gay, so I could tell all the homophobes to go to hell.” … read more

Questioning the Corporate Culture with Steve Albini

Questioning the Corporate Culture with Steve Albini

I’m not going to waste your time with some big introduction for Steve Albini. He is a producer and a musician. You have probably heard some of the albums he’s recorded. … read more

Knapsack: Trying to Kick the World’s Ass: July 1995

Knapsack: Trying to Kick the World’s Ass: July 1995

Right about when we ran into Eddie Vedder if we were doing it for money we probably would have hung up the towel.  … read more

Record & Tape Reviews: November 1991

Record & Tape Reviews: November 1991
By , ,

Can you keep up with Nirvana? They put you to the test on this one. … read more