
Review: Xenoblade Chronicles X
Within the first half hour, you’re treated to a sweeping view of Primordia, one of the five continents of Mira. The view is gorgeous, and it whets the appetite of any video game explorer—it’s hard not to spend all your time wandering, collecting and fighting the indigens. … read more

The Music Of Mother: One Of The Greatest Gaming Soundtracks...
In 1989, back when Nintendo still had their Japan-only Famicon system, they released a game called Mother. Over 25 years later, Ship to Shore PhonoCo. (who have released soundtracks for George A. Romero’s Martin and Manos: The Hands Of Fate) worked with Sony Music to launch a Kickstarter campaign and raised over $75k to remaster the soundtrack and bring it to vinyl. … read more

Review: Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash Camelot / Nintendo Reviewed on: Wii U (exclusive) Street: 11.20 Nintendo’s been trying for years to make good games out of some of the more uneventful sports, like golf and tennis. It’s weird that those are the only two specific sports games that have made it past the Wii (so far).

Nintendo Airstream Tour 2015
Nintendo’s Airstream tour was the harbinger of the holidays for me this year—the Airstream was beautifully decorated with wrapping paper that I wish I could steal, and the Christmas spirit was in the air. … read more

Review: Super Mario Maker
Super Mario Maker is broken into two main sections: make and play. Those of us that have those creative minds are going straight for the former. … read more

What’s In The Box!? Geek Fuel – July 2015
The lovely people at Geek Fuel sent us their latest box from the month of July, packed full of goodies to tantalize our geeky feelings. After the awesome joy from the first box and the kind of lackluster feeling from the second, I was intrigued to see what would be added to this month’s edition of

New Nintendo 3DS: Is It Really New?
With Nintendo’s previous marketing flop—like the confusion with the Wii U—is it understandable that one might look at this “New 3DS” as just another version of the Nintendo 3DS. … read more

PAX South 2015
When they announced PAX South at last year’s PAX East, I was determined to get my ass to Texas—I wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to attend an inaugural PAX. It was, what my sister and I nicknamed, “Chibi PAX,” but it was still a great experience. … read more

Nintendo Airstream Tour 2014
Once a year, right before the rush of the holiday shopping season, the folks at Nintendo load up a trailer with all of their upcoming titles and take it across the country to spread buzz for their future lineup. Salt Lake City had the good fortune of being the Airstream Tour’s first stop, which allowed local Nintendo fans first crack at games that won’t see store shelves until this Christmas. … read more

Nintendo Direct Showcases New Games For 2014
Nintendo took to the Internet on Tuesday, Dec. 17 to tell everyone what is in store for you in 2014, reminding folks everywhere that the WiiU you obtained by murdering that grandma in Wal-Mart on Black Friday was well worth the struggle. … read more