Skateboarding is SOOOO Cool Right Now!

Skateboarding is SOOOO Cool Right Now!

It was hard for me to think of skateboard-related topics to write about this month. And I think the reason why is because it rained the whole time last month, therefore, no one skated. I sure as fuck didn’t. I hate the noise wet bearings make. It sounds like a hooker getting strangled or that

Shits and Giggles Never Hurt So Bad: The Face Off

Shits and Giggles Never Hurt So Bad: The Face Off

So, Angela gave me this DVD to review called The Face Off. Angela must know that I have a high threshold of pain and stupidity, which is the best way to describe viewing this DVD.The way I understand it is that the guys from Spy Hop productions were asked to participate in a scavenger hunt