A Short History of Drinking in Utah

A Short History of Drinking in Utah

Every profession has their masters. These people are good at what they do; they’re well respected within their professions by their peers. And sometimes these people leave behind a legacy. “Karen” is one such person in the profession of getting people wasted, more commonly known as bartending. I’ve been learning the trade myself and I

Mike Brown’s Gay John Amichi Interview

Mike Brown’s Gay John Amichi Interview

I think I’ve figured out why I hate typing interviews so much. It’s because I can’t listen to music while I write, which is normally how I like to write. Instead I have to listen to so-and-so bumble fucks voice over and over again while I constantly stop the beautiful flowing process of creating literature

John Peter Lewis

John Peter Lewis

It seems that for the past while now, if some lame band or shitty recording ‘artist’ contacts SLUG and requests an interview and they don’t really want to do the interview, somehow that interview gets offered up to me. Case in point, Lisa Loeb. Why Lisa Loeb’s manager would think it would be a good

The Mexican Body Bag

The Mexican Body Bag

Since the Jazz are going to make the playoffs this month, I thought it would be a great idea to write about one of my favorite things in the world, the Utah Jazz. And since this is SLUG and it’s probably not ‘cool’ to like sports, I’ll keep the stats to a minimal so you

The Dark Side of Martial Arts

The Dark Side of Martial Arts

He got a running start and I’ll never forget what happened next: running full speed, he tripped over Emily Bradley, who was the first person kneeling down, and tumbled over all the other kids. … read more

I Like Turtles

I Like Turtles

I caught around 10 or so turtles and convinced my parents to let me take them home with us. I rode in the back of our big Mormon van with them, making sure that all the turtles got along and weren’t too bored on the drive home. … read more

The Drugs Made Me Do It

The Drugs Made Me Do It

Man, I love writing and hearing stories about drug abuse. Especially LSD. Acid is such a silly drug to me. It’s like a kidney stone – so tiny, yet it can fuck you up so bad.  … read more

Whacktastic Skateboard Antics and The Morning News

Whacktastic Skateboard Antics and The Morning News

I really fucking hate the news. I also hate people who believe the news. I guess I’m a big believer in “no news is good news.” So when I got asked to show some newslady how to ride a skateboard, I was at first hesitant. But then when they told me it would be a

Skateboarding is SOOOO Cool Right Now!

Skateboarding is SOOOO Cool Right Now!

It was hard for me to think of skateboard-related topics to write about this month. And I think the reason why is because it rained the whole time last month, therefore, no one skated. I sure as fuck didn’t. I hate the noise wet bearings make. It sounds like a hooker getting strangled or that