Oh, Bill Burroughs, How I Heart Thee

Oh, Bill Burroughs, How I Heart Thee

For my SLUG article this month, I talked the editors into letting me use Burroughs’s cut up method. So if this article doesn’t make any sense to you, drop some acid and read it again. Trust me, it will work. … read more

Mike Brown: 2012 – Bring it

Mike Brown: 2012 – Bring it

Truth be told, the apocalypse used to scare the stool right out of me. Once I solidified my spiritual views as not spiritual at all, I decided that you couldn’t really claim Atheism and believe in the end of the world because god or some stupid Mayan Calendar or Nostradamus said so. None of them have been right so far, so what’s gonna make 2012 any different? … read more

Mike Brown: The ICP Show

Mike Brown: The ICP Show

I call the local Juggalo hotline about once a week to see what the local hatchet flinging community is up to. When I got wind that the Insane Clown Posse was coming to Saltair, I felt a responsibility to go and cover it and try to get an interview with the head clowns. Mission accomplished. Check out the photo gallery.
  … read more

Mike Brown: House Party

Mike Brown: House Party

With the changing of the leaves and the brisk fall air, something begins to happen. And with this comes the return of the epic house party! House Party season correlates well with football season. And since I hate football, I’m gonna write about some stupid shit I’ve done at other people’s houses over the years. … read more

Fistfuck Facebook

Fistfuck Facebook

Facebooking fits well with the theme I gave my life for year number thirty, which is to become everything I’ve ever hated so I can find more things to like. So I bought a fixed-gear bike, an iPhone, and a couple of V-necks. Now I know how to update my FB status on the nations fastest 3G network while doing a track stand and exposing my three chest hairs … read more

Mike Brown: Things I Hate

Mike Brown: Things I Hate

So Snuggles, the guy who’s been illustrating my articles as of late, suggested that I write about my favorite possessions, and that he would bring them to life via SLUG Magazine. I looked around my apartment for my favorite things and a massive writers block fell on my face. I’m sorry, Snuggles, but it’s so much easier for me to write about shit I hate. … read more

Mike Brown: Mormon Weddings

Mike Brown: Mormon Weddings

Have you ever been to a Mormon wedding? Gosh, I sure have. Lots of them, because I come from a big, darn Mormon family. As a tribute to them, I will only use Mormon swears in this article. … read more

Mike Brown: My Afternoon at General Distributing

Mike Brown: My Afternoon at General Distributing

I decided to head out to the local General Distributing plant to tour the facility and see if we could get any employees to drink with us. … read more

Drifting with Mike Brown

Drifting with Mike Brown

At Drift Enterprise, they look for speed, angle consistency and how close you get to the clipping points without knocking over the cone. … read more

Mike Brown: The Worst Job I’ve Ever Had

Mike Brown: The Worst Job I’ve Ever Had

Work sucks. Fuck work. When people ask me what I do for a living, I usually just say that I am a freelance capitalist. … read more