Mike Brown: Salty Peaks

Mike Brown: Salty Peaks

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I worked in a snowboard shop. Sometimes I didn’t work very hard, but most of the time I worked harder than a donkey in a coal mine. That could be a really bad analogy, since I don’t know if donkeys were allowed in coal mines, but I like the idea of donkeys wielding pickaxes. This snowboard shop was Salty Peaks. … read more

Mike Brown: My First Tattoo

Mike Brown: My First Tattoo

Like all my articles, this article is about me. I’m very narcissistic. This one is not about receiving my first tattoo, but giving my first tattoo. Aside from never holding a tattoo gun in my hands before, anyone who has read my zine and seen my comics knows what a terrible artist I am, although I am pretty good at drawing boobs. On July 15, Good Times was having their 11-year anniversary and celebrating by giving away $20 tattoos all day. … read more

Mike Brown: It’s My Birthday

Mike Brown: It’s My Birthday

I’ve had some pretty epic birthdays in my lifetime. I am the egocentric asshole who celebrates it for at least a week straight. I think everyone should do this. It means more parties, more birthday shots and, most importantly, more presents. Life is fragile, beautiful and precious, so why is it celebrated for just one fucking day? We should do it up like Hanukkah. I could seriously convert to Judaism just for loving the idea of getting gifts for half of the month. … read more

Motley Crue, Poison and New York Dolls @ USANA 06.19

Motley Crue, Poison and New York Dolls @ USANA 06.19

If you know me at all, then you know how much I like Poison, and not because me and Bret Michaels have been friends since before Rock of Love aired on VH1. We became friends when I met him backstage when Poison played here in like 2006. Although he won’t respond to any of my fan mail, I still feel a strong connection with that great man. … read more

Mike Brown: Rob Packer

Mike Brown: Rob Packer

This month, Mike Brown is tasked with rounding up SLC’s local drunks, but it’s proving to be harder than it sounds. … read more

Mike Brown: Hover Boards

Mike Brown: Hover Boards

I was recently confronted outside a local tavern in the wee hours of the morning after a busy night of drinking. A man I had never met before accused me of writing some stuff that had upset some of his friends. The friends in question were legendary skateboarders Chris Senn and John Cardiel. I haven’t written about anything regarding skateboarding in damn near two years. If anything, I was pumped those dudes would even read any shit I ever wrote. … read more

Mike Brown: Destruction

Mike Brown: Destruction

There are some stories I just cannot share with SLUG readers. Not because I don’t want to—my fingers yearn to type a trail of madness for you all to enjoy—but sometimes the emotional and legal ramifications that a public, published piece regarding destruction could potentially cause isn’t worth the gamble. But as time goes on, the heat dies down, the evidence becomes more admissible and the story becomes safer to publish. This is one such story. … read more

Mike Brown: Speed Dating on Speed

Mike Brown: Speed Dating on Speed

So, here’s how it all started. My friend Grace (same Grace who pretended to be my wife when we stalked my ex-girlfriend) heard about speed dating and wanted to try it. I told her I would go with her, but I wanted to do some speed beforehand, strictly so I could name the article “Speed Dating on Speed.” … read more

Mike Brown: Home Sweet Home

Mike Brown: Home Sweet Home

I hope to God, if there is one, that my landlord doesn’t read this article. I’m not concerned so much about the maintenance guy giving this page a gander. He’s a nice dude, but never really fixes anything in my apartment, anyway. I’m OK with not getting my deposit back, but I really like my apartment and an eviction at this point would likely be justified by the next 800 or so words. But fuck it … You all want to know how I live, right? … read more

Mike Brown: Hate Mail

Mike Brown: Hate Mail

Hate mail. I don’t get nearly enough of it. Unless you define hate mail as mail I hate getting—like parking ticket subpoenas or credit card bills. I don’t mind junk mail, although I’m not a junkie or coupon user, junk mail makes me feel special. Like I’m somebody. Out of all the people on the planet, this huge corporation took time out of their busy schedule to bombard me with shit I’m just going to throw away. … read more