Behind The Seams: The Weird and Wonderful World of McGrew Studios

Behind The Seams: The Weird and Wonderful World of McGrew...

When I ask about Jennifer McGrew’s job title, she slides me a glittery business card that reads “Director of Disguises.”  … read more

SLUG Style: Aura Martinez Sandoval

SLUG Style: Aura Martinez Sandoval

Local costume designer Aura Martinez Sandoval is as well-versed in putting together stunning, eclectic looks as she is behind the scenes on a film set. … read more

Provo To Omaha To Park City: Cole Webley and Paul Meyers’ Road to Sundance

Provo To Omaha To Park City: Cole Webley and Paul...

Omaha is an extraordinary film that’s poised to be one of the standout premieres in the U.S. Dramatic Competition. … read more

Roll the Credits: Salt Lake’s Brightest Film Specialists

Roll the Credits: Salt Lake’s Brightest Film Specialists

Find out what these four creatives have to say about the local filmmaking scene (beyond the big screens at Sundance) and the individual part that they play in it. … read more