Pride Festival Recap

Pride Festival Recap

Love equals love. That was the theme at this years Pride, and it couldn’t have been more fitting. The theme calls back to the 17 days—from December 20, 2013 to January 6, 2014—when same-sex couples could legally marry here in the state of Utah after Judge Robert J. Shelby struck down Amendment 3 as unconstitutional, and it draws attention to the current legal limbo same-sex couples have been stuck in as the appeals process against Judge Shelby’s ruling slowly grinds forward. But the love equals love theme does even more than that: It also calls to how things should be, how everyone should be treated and how important equality truly is.  … read more

Ghouls and Dolls: A Bad Kids Pageant @ Metro Bar 06.05

Ghouls and Dolls: A Bad Kids Pageant @ Metro Bar...

Another year of Utah Pride festivities (un)officially kicked off at Metro Bar Thursday night.
10 contestants, each of whom earned a spot in the competition after a tough preliminary round, performed for Bad Kid Collective titles: Wicked Kid, Ardent Kid, Avant Kid and Baddest Kid. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Christian Schultz

Contributor Limelight: Christian Schultz
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Christian Schultz started writing for SLUG in October of 2012, and his prose in all of his work is utterly spellbinding. He also joined the copy editing team this spring. His cerebral yet gracefully constructed sentences and his adept editing skills have been surefire signs that he’d make an excellent Digital Content Coordinator, and we’re beaming with pride to have Christian in this position! … read more

Creature Feature: The Bad Kids Collective Enters Their Terrible Twos

Creature Feature: The Bad Kids Collective Enters Their Terrible Twos

Since the summer of 2012, the Bad Kids Collective has shaken up Salt Lake’s drag scene, made connections with the global genderfuck community and established a home for queer artists at Metro Bar. Now, at “terrible” 2 years old, SLUG catches up with founding braintrust Cartel Chameleon Fenicé and performers Jezebel Jet and The Bearded Femme about where they’ve been, where they’re headed and why their approach to gender-integrated performance art is a vital force in queer Utah. … read more

Creature Feature: The Bearded Femme

Creature Feature: The Bearded Femme

“People who are too comfortable freak me out. I feel so uncomfortable and indecisive all the time, so I’m always questioning myself,” says The Bearded Femme. … read more

Ghouls and Dolls: Bad Kids Pageant Preliminary #1 @ Metro Bar 03.13

Ghouls and Dolls: Bad Kids Pageant Preliminary #1 @ Metro...

Faced with an overwhelming response upon the announcement of their second yearly pageant, the Bad Kids decided to give every applicant a chance to compete, splitting the pageant into two preliminaries before the actual main event, to be held on June 5. … read more

Local Review: The Hung Ups – Against The Wall

Local Review: The Hung Ups – Against The Wall

As most pop punk goes, I’m very selective. Most bands sound like Blink-182 or The Queers rip-offs—trying to stick to a formula and not really trying anything new. … read more

Creature Feature: Jezebel Jet’s Bad Kid Origins

Creature Feature: Jezebel Jet’s Bad Kid Origins

SLUG’s bi-monthly online column, Creature Feature, has followed the Bad Kids from their raw, youthful days to the brilliant, thriving queer constellation it continues to be. They are a vital force for queer voices in the face of today’s hesitancy toward all things goofy and sexy and weird and fun. For its sixth installment, SLUG spoke with Jezebel Jet about becoming her comic book alter ego and being the Bad Kids’ first female performer. … read more



Look who is at the museum—The Bad Kids! As multi-media selfie-installations and gender integrated performance art, I think they’ll feel at home here. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Love Is Strange

Sundance Film Review: Love Is Strange

Love Is Strange is a much-needed breath of fresh air blowing away the cobwebs of a tired romantic dramedy genre. In this truly unique story, partners of 39 years, Ben (John Lithgow) and George (Alfred Molina) lose a coveted Manhattan apartment after their official marriage results in George’s termination from his job as a music teacher at a Catholic school, forcing them to temporarily move in with separate family members.  … read more