film review

Film Review: Val
The Val Kilmer biopic Val is an emotional journey that’s rewarding and a bittersweet portrait of what it means to live and love as an artist. … read more

Film Review: Good On Paper
Good on Paper proves to be aptly titled because regardless of how it looked on the page, it doesn’t translate to the screen. … read more

Film Review: Gaîa
If you’re looking for an excuse to jump and scream a lot and spill popcorn, move along—Gaîa is not the horror movie you’re looking for. … read more

Film Review: The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard
The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard is an obnoxious mess aimed at 12–14-year-old-boys watching it on a sleepover without their parents’ knowledge. … read more

Film Review: Fatherhood
In Fatherhood, Kevin Hart plays Matt and is faced with raising his daughter alone when his wife dies the day after giving birth. … read more

Film Review: Infinite
Infinite is clearly hoping to be a mind-bending action spectacular, but will be remembered as one of 2021’s worst movies. … read more

Film Review: Skater Girl
Skater Girl takes that desire to showcase people from different backgrounds reaching for the stars to a whole new level. … read more

Film Review: New Order
New Order is a failure based around pertinent issues, but there is literally nothing to take away from it except what you came in with. … read more

Film Review: The Dry
The Dry is a highly compelling and introspective film that thrives on an excellent screenplay, which was adapted from a novel by Jane Harper. … read more

Film Review: Dream Horse
Dream Horse Director: Euros Lyn Cornerstone Films and Film4 In Theaters 05.21 The spring/early summer blockbuster season is more or less partially underway to some extent, pandemic style. With zombies and serial killers dominating, a small, feel-good sports drama is welcome counterprogramming. There are some sports—well, OK, basically all of them—that hold no interest for