Diabolical Records

Cruisin’ with the Locals: S&S Concert Cruise 07.17 w/ Joshua...
S&S’s Concert Cruise series is a good way to spend socially distanced time with friends and family, and they’re a great way to support local musicians. … read more

To Space, Comrade! Josie Cordova’s Arcade Endeavor
The night that Cordova unveiled To Space, Comrade! I was sitting in the back of Twilite Lounge. A typical night out at the bar developed into an experience that both inspired and struck the audience. … read more

Salt Lake City Staycation
You may be in town for some film festivals, or you may be a born-and-raised, diehard Salt Laker. Either way, you deserve your Salt Lake City staycation. … read more

Local Review: Various Artists – Industry: Live Electronics
Various Artists = Green Velvet + Gravy.Tron + Stars of the Lid
… read more

The New Nest: Albatross Recordings & Ephemera
In only a few short years, Hatziathanasiou has earned a local reputation (such as “Best Eccentric Nostalgia” by City Weekly) for his assemblage of offbeat recordings and strange but alluring pieces of art. … read more

Local Review: Foster Body – Moving Display
Foster Body = Gang of Four + Jad Fair + Erase Errata … read more

Beachmen @ Diabolical Records with The Wild War, 90s Television
A shimmering ambiance hovers over my memory of Beachmen’s second album release show, bathing the whole experience in orange and bronze. I see guitar pedals and muffled drums from five feet away. We’re in an intimate venue where the crowd is full at six rows deep, filling the entire place up by the time the

Diabolical Records Celebrates Two Years
On July 5, Diabolical Records celebrates its second-year anniversary. Their existence in Salt Lake City has made a remarkable impact on the music scene—both as a record shop and the hottest new all-ages music venue. Diabolical Records first opened its doors at Granary Row in 2013 and quickly attracted a following, and after Granary Row

Lines from the Inside of Death By Salt V
SLUG’s Death By Salt V release parties happen June 12 and 13 Urban Lounge and Diabolical Records, respectively. The record features some of the best garage and psych that Utah has to offer, and we reviewed each track of this compilation in the liner notes.

Peach Kelli Pop @ Diabolical Records 04.08 with Tim Allen’s...
It’s 7:50 at Diabolical Records, and the wide, fluorescent-lit spaces between the record racks and the walls stretches out before me, filled only by the scanty clatter of setup—empty. Not 20 minutes later, though, suddenly everything’s buzzy—full, clamoring and ready to go. … read more