Daughters of Anarchy

HVDD: Rollin Rebellion vs Daughters of Anarchy 04.11
The last time I crossed the Salt Lake County line into Utah County—way, way down south—the ladies of the Happy Valley Derby Darlins were still operating and playing out of an old Food4Less Building. They had turned some very large number of square feet of an abandoned grocery store into their new HQ, the Shove Shack. … read more

Derby Bout Recap: Rollin’ Rebellion Beats the Daughters of Anarchy...
On Saturday, June 21, skaters clad in black or purple rolled up on the Hive’s track for what would surely be an exciting bout between two teams of Utah County’s Happy Valley Derby Darlins (HVDD). The Daughters of Anarchy are known as “the lawless ladies of HVDD” while the Rollin’ Rebellion skaters are famous for “wreaking havoc on the track.” Sound like a good slice of roller derby? You can bet your skates on it. … read more