Dark Arts Festival

Review: Ashes Fallen – Walk Through Fire
California-based gothic rock band Ashes Fallen not only satisfies those that like darker post-punk styles of music, but it transcends genres and dips into both EBM and rock. … read more

God Module: Delightfully Deranged
On Sunday, Aug. 20, God Module will be kicking off their Does This Stuff Freak You Out? Tour at Area 51, during this year’s Dark Arts Festival. … read more

Dissecting Die Sektor
Die Sektor will be joining a sensational group of harder acts on Sept. 30, Friday night’s edition of this year’s Dark Arts Festival at Area 51. You do not want to miss any of the acts during this year’s five-day Dark Arts Festival—there are so many things to discover. … read more

Selling the Ashes: Progressing from the Studio to the Stage
Jordan Ruiz of Selling the Ashes has constructed a full live band and will be opening for PIG at the Dark Arts Festival at Area 51 on Sept. 28. Meeting at Ruiz’s home studio and walking among the multitudes of electronic equipment and wall of guitars, I sat down with Ruiz to get some insight into what inspired a studio act to start performing live. … read more

Wallowing with PIG: Raymond Watts
The Lord of Lard, Raymond Watts, took time out of his birthday, of all days, to have a conversation with SLUG Magazine about

DJ Evil K: Once Upon A Midnight Dreary
We get older. The exterior shows the wear, but inside, if you’re lucky, a bit of the old magic that fueled blind, optimistic dreams of a handful of black-clad shadows remains. … read more

Dark Arts Festival @ Area 51 06.20-22
When I stepped foot through the doors of Area 51 during the Summer Solstice, I realized that I was in store for a not so ordinary weekend at my frequent haunt. The bar was decorated like an enchanted forest and I felt as if I had fallen through the looking glass into a world of faeries, Red Queens, vampires and all creatures of the dark. It was time for the Dark Arts Festival Of Utah. … read more

Calling All Bats: SLC’s Dark Arts Festival Celebrates Five Years
They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery; either that, or someone’s trying to cash in on someone else’s success. Either way, it would seem that Salt Lake’s Dark Arts Festival has inspired a little envy in Colorado, where some scavengers have lifted the name and are throwing their own Dark Arts gala.