Beer > Not Beer

Beer > Not Beer

With these easy guidelines from Rio Connelly, you can turn your lunch-break sandwich into a sublime beer-pairing opportunity. … read more

FIY: Ferment It Yourself

FIY: Ferment It Yourself

The ability to make tasty fermented drinks lies in your hands, but you may not know what you need to get started. Join us to FIY! … read more

Sophie Schwabacher: Tapping Beer Nostalgia with Watercolor

Sophie Schwabacher: Tapping Beer Nostalgia with Watercolor

Sophie Schwabacher is the gallery manager at Salt Lake City’s Modern West, where you can see her first-ever publicly displayed art series. … read more

Beer of the Month: White Rainbow

Beer of the Month: White Rainbow

The bittersweet part about new beers all the time is they’re a one-and-done or a limited-batch run. Luckily, White Rainbow is here to stay. … read more

Mike Brown: Talkin’ Tips!

Mike Brown: Talkin’ Tips!

Mike Brown would like to cover some etiquette about tipping and tips from both the bartender perspective and the customer perspective. … read more

Backyard Brewing: Heber Valley Brewing’s Tips For Brewing With Local Ingredients

Backyard Brewing: Heber Valley Brewing’s Tips For Brewing With Local...

Clint Jones of Heber Valley Brewing says to look to Utah’s landscape for ingredients to create your own backyard brew. … read more

Less Than One Mile Across the Arizona Border Sits Utah’s “Adopted” Edge Of The World Brewery

Less Than One Mile Across the Arizona Border Sits Utah’s...

One mile across the Utah border, “Short Creek,” Arizona, is home to self-proclaimed “adopted” Utah brewery Edge of the World Brewing. … read more

Hops Hunters Hikes: Range Brew

Hops Hunters Hikes: Range Brew

  Range Brew: Summit Land Conservancy and Wasatch Brewery Unite Deep in the misty crags and sprawling agricultural meadows of Summit County lies a hidden oasis of wild hops, enough to fuel any beer lover’s wet dream. Every summer for the past three years, Summit Land Conservancy has been hosting hikes on open-space land to harvest

June 2015 Beer Reviews

June 2015 Beer Reviews

From light and dry to tart and fruity to hop bombs, we’ve got your summer sippin’ situation well in hand. 

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May 2015 Beer Reviews

May 2015 Beer Reviews

There’s that old adage: “If it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it!” In a nutshell, that’s our ancestors screaming at us from the past, telling us to leave a good thing alone. In many cases, that’s true—there are hundreds of things that impact our daily lives that have remained virtually unchanged since they were brought to our attention.


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