beautiful godzilla

Beautiful Godzilla
Hey guys, this is my last Beautiful Godzilla column. I’m moving to New York City to dedicate my life to pizza. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Cyclofemme, An Interview with Sarai Snyder
There aren’t a whole lot of female bicycle activists out there, so the moment I found out Sarai Snyder, founder of the website Girl Bike Love ( and the worldwide Cyclofemme ride (, was due to speak at the Utah Bike Summit on April 25, I knew I had to pick her brain. Snyder’s figured out, like many of us, that bicycles are a tool for female empowerment, but unlike many of us, she’s made herself a leader in the community so that others can benefit from her knowledge and slowly change the world, one lady cyclist at a time. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Flying the Coup
I haven’t been to a bike event since last summer, I haven’t ridden my bike in three months, and the only time I get on SaltCycle is to hound its brainstorming capabilities for what to write this goddamn column about. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla
The Collective has always been a welcoming place—it’s where I got my (already 90-percent assembled) little green Kilo up and running, and she hasn’t needed much maintenance since—but walking into a room full of guys rubbing greasy elbows and talking shop can be intimidating. So, I was thrilled when I heard that the Collective had decided to make Women’s Night a weekly event and hired Meara McClenahan to head it. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Reel To Steel
For those of you who have opted for rollers this winter, I’ve compiled a list of some entertainment options that don’t include frostbite or icy asphalt scrapes. We all know the classics—American Flyers, RAD, Breaking Away, Quicksilver, Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure—but I reached out to the trusty ole SaltCycle community for some of their favorites, which turned up an eclectic list of titles I’d missed. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Cycling Behind-The-Scenes with Debbie Larsen
There are a lot of over-the-top personalities in the cycling world––myself included. These people often get recognized because a) they lead a lot of group rides or have some kind of bike-related job; b) they are always out on their bike, rain or shine; c) they’re incredibly loud and obnoxious cyclists. Then there are people like my friend, Debbie Larsen. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Burn The Bra, Not The Panties!
A company based out of Austin called Urbanist, dedicated to “saving the world from spandex,” has more than successfully funded a Kickstarter campaign (doubling their goal) to create sexy, padded women’s cycling underwear. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Davey Davis For President!
About six years ago, the urban cycling scene in Salt Lake City was at the height of its glory, with Davey Davis at the helm … er, handlebars. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Livin’ The Daydream
It’s taken over a decade, but all my daydreams came true a couple of months ago at the Monthly Mystery Ride. … read more
Beautiful Godzilla: Highway Haikus
For better or worse, I’ve accepted that being a human with breasts, long hair and a voluptuous backside automatically subjects me to a barrage of verbal assaults the moment I step outside. … read more