Artes de Mexico en Utah

Artes en Español: the Sor Juana Contest for Poetry and...
Artes de México en Utah’s Sor Juana Contest for Poetry and Prose in Spanish is Utah’s statewide contest for literary writing in the language. … read more

Artes de México: The Art of Creating Community
Artes de México isn’t just for the Latino community or just about art—Artes is for our entire community. … read more

Tina Misrachi Martin: Alberto, Frida y Galería Misrachi
By the 1930s and ‘40s, following an artistic revolution and the peak of the Mural Renaissance, Mexico City had flourished into a thriving meeting-place of culture. … read more

One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Lecture: Marie Gaytan Series...
The room was filled with academic types from the U of U and other distinguished-looking people, yet they had jumped on the tequila like it was a frat party on campus when it was actually a swanky private event on South Temple. … read more