Episode #330 – Purr Bats

For Kyrbir Is-p-, front man of Purr Bats, growing up gay in mid ’80s Utah Valley meant living with an ever-present sense of doom. … read more

Episode #329 – Telepanther

In anticipation of SLUG’s February Localized Reunion show, Brice Obuko of Telepanther recounts his memories of various Salt Lake venues as they once were 20 years ago. … read more

Episode #328 – Spirit Prison

Once he got clean, Jade Whitlock’s old band, Prozac, seemed to him like a childish portrayal of drugs and alcohol. His life wasn’t like that anymore, and so the band dissolved, he took a break, and, eventually, found the means to start making music as Spirit Prison about his newfound stability. … read more

Episode #327 – Horrible Penny

Horrible Penny’s first album, Shades of Green, channels lead vocalist Alllyson Katana’s romantic voice—young and thoughtful, worthy of being spoken and heard.  … read more

Episode #326 – Acacia Ridge

With a new single and currently over half a million streams on Spotify, Acacia Ridge’s lead vocalist Christian Mayfield talks about what went into their debut album and the way they’ve managed to successfully navigate the opaque waters of Spotify’s algorithmic promotion. … read more

Episode #325 – Ben Ra

Ben Ra’s journey—from making his own beats in 2012 to entering the Salt Lake scene, from releasing a popular single to, eventually, falling into burnout—has all become a sturdy foundation for the talented artist, one whose creative aspirations lie outside of just music. … read more

Episode #324 – The Waldron Brothers

The Waldron Brothers formed after an upbringing spent playing live music with their family band. Their psychadelic sound grows from that past, but it also distinguishes them from their young work through its emphasis on self-reflection. … read more

Episode #323 – The Cold Year

The Cold Year’s newest album Prey for Me isn’t a critique of religion so much as it is a conversation about it, one that lyricist and guitarist Matthew Skaggs finds therapeutic. … read more

Episode #322 – Teilani

Teilani’s first EP, Tama, speaks to the complicated experiences of being a person of color and queer, but perhaps most significant for Teilani is its unabashed expression of gay love, affirming his own need for love songs specific to the queer experience. … read more

Episode #321 – Seeking Tragedy

Loclyn Torres discusses her journey to vocal performance, the ethos behind her band Seeking Tragedy, and finally how a vocal minority of the metal scene’s deference to tradition requires women to work twice as hard.  … read more