SLUG Mag Soundwaves
SLUG Mag Soundwaves
Episode #446 – Review: fuckskin's you can find it

SLUG Soundwaves is back with another review episode, where listeners can hear our online-exclusive music reviews in audio format, read by the author themself. This week, Contributing Editor Emma Anderson reads her review of local screamo/hardcore outfit fuckskin’s latest—and final—release, you can find it. By combining the most unique and hard-hitting elements of every genre associated with grief and/or anger, fuckskin has proved themselves to be one of the most sonically intriguing acts to come out of the SLC hardcore scene. You can find it is a rollercoaster with poetically timed surges and dips; it encapsulates what has made fuckskin stand out throughout their time as a band, almost like a “greatest hits” album without repeating anything from a prior release. For those who have never witnessed the spiritual experience that is a live fuckskin performance, may the listening of their final release clue you in to what you’ve missed out on. 

Following a legendary show with Infant Island and Senza, along with local experimental orchestra Portal to the God Damn Blood Dimension, fuckskin played one final final show ahead of bassist/vocalist and beloved sound engineer Kale Morse’s departure from the city. The show took place at The Beehive with Heaven Content and Fairy Fingers, who played their first ever live set, as a proper send-off and celebration of the band in a lowkey, all-ages space. 

The EP is a cute little box that packages up fuckskin’s discography and is sent off to sea with a trail of joyous nostalgia and broken hearts behind it. Listen to you can find it on Bandcamp and read the full written review of the release here. I recommend keeping an ear to the ground for the future musical endeavors of fuckskin’s members, as I can’t imagine they would ever disappoint.