SLUG Mag Soundwaves
SLUG Mag Soundwaves
Episode #443 - Parallax

Parallax is a hardcore band that was popular in the early 2000s, during a metal movement in the Utah Valley. While members of the band shifted, the group was made up of five guys from Provo. The last recorded lineup consisted of Elliot Secrist (Guitar), Charles Bogus (Drums), Travis Low (Bass), Mike Collins (Guitar), and Blake Donner (Vocals). Other rotating members consisted of  Tiffany Bischoff, Timery Reis, Matt LaMoure, and Darcy Murphy.

After touring in the late ‘90s, the band was inching over the line of huge success and producing their first album. In 2005, the bands lead singer, Blake Donner, passed away suddenly in a tragic hiking accident where they attempted to explore an underwater cave. Three other close friends of the band, Jennifer Lynn Galbraith (21), Ariel Singer (18) and Scott Kelran McDonald, (28), were with him and also unfortunately passed. A massive blow to the scene in which Parallax was growing.

After Donner’s death, Parallax released the album they’d recorded with him, called “Mediums and Messages.” In this week’s episode, I sat down with the band’s guitarist and drummer, Elliot Secrest and Charles Bogus to talk about an upcoming show they’ll be playing those songs at. It’s a Crucial Fest showcase, which will reunite other influential former hardcore bands, who have since become inactive over the years, to join for one night only. Friends, and fans, of the band will assist in remembering Donner, and his work, at the Fest. Crucial Fest’s director, Jerome Bischoff will join Parallax on bass, and Kelly Green from Fight the Future will sing the lyrics Donner wrote.

Check out the show, happening May 25, at Soundwell. Follow and keep up with the event by following their Instagram @crucialfest and get your tickets here!