This Month’s Feature Attraction: American Music Club
In November 1988, American Music Club dropped into Salt Lake City en route to the east coast. We had worked long and hard giving out free tickets and passing out hundreds of flyers so we could get more people into The Word on a Thursday night. Needless to say, it didn’t work. AMC went on stage at 9 p.m. in front of a handful of people. Over the next hour, they completely changed my outlook on music. I stood stunned watching this mismatched, underdressed, eccentric San Francisco based quintet and said to myself, “Fuck, these guys are good.” Everybody else at The Word that night felt the same way I did, it was quite obvious, their applause made that quite evident. Friday night, the same night as Midnight Oil played the Salt Palace, they played again. This time the story was different—the domino effect kicked in, and the place was packed. Word spread like wildfire; everyone there on Thursday came back on Friday and brought at least five people with them. Smashing success.
American Music Club is soon to be one of the biggest bands in the U.S and Europe. After years of struggling as non-commercial artists, they have paid the price and people are starting to pay attention to them. Their music is a combination of Green on Red, The Smiths with a tad of The Replacements, topped off with a dash of Pink Floyd and Hank Williams. Hard to explain exactly—you’ll just have to hear it. Great writing, great producing and fabulous performing will make AMC one of the best shows you will ever see. AMC has a brooding technique, tranquil feelings of love, hate, want and musicianship that tie it all together in a perfect ball of emotional sights and sounds.
Mark Eitzel, lead singer and principal songwriter, says the music is “Hippie-folk-art-shit your parents would listen to.” I beg to differ, my parents’ music hasn’t got that much depth, feelings and energy, besides, I have never heard Johnny Mathis say “Fuck.” AMC’s contemporary versatility makes them adequately interesting. Don’t miss the show, I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed.
They will be performing at The Word Monday, April 24th, at 8:30, with a $3.00 cover charge and again at Bar and Grill, Tuesday the 25th, where you can enjoy 25 cent drafts. You have heard these guys these guys on KJQ and now you can see them live. Don’t miss it.