Concert Reviews: January 1993

Concert Reviews: January 1993


The Breeders , October 31 – Club DV8

Kim Deal has to be one of the few, say, five real women in rock ‘n’ roll. A woman who retains her feminine identity without making pop music and having a glitzy “image” thought up in some office suite in L.A. She can handle a guitar better than most men (as well as being a pro on the bass), and she can write and perform catchy, yet meaty songs that simultaneously stroke and pinch your nervous system.

But the one word that best describes The Breeders show at DV8 is fun! The Breeders made everyone feel comfortable and came across as being incredibly relaxed and at ease on stage. They probably enjoyed themselves more than a lot of the audience members did; but isn’t that what playing in a rock band is really all about? Forget all that rockstar bullshit: the Breeders have stripped that all away. They sound just as rough and raunchy on their records as they do live. Just plain old guitars and scratchy Kim and Kelly Deal vocals over Josephine Wiggs’ bass lines and Mike Hunt‘s powerful drumming.

The relaxed atmosphere allowed the band to play some new songs, with Kim Deal telling the crowd to submit any lyrics to the t-shirt concessioner as she sang nonsense and enjoyed the thrill of playing for a friendly crowd. There was a lot of interplay between band members, passing significant looks to each other and draping guitars in spider webbing. The band also talked with the audience, making conversation between songs.

An incredibly personable band with a terrific live sound, The Breeders rock like nobody’s business! If you missed them live, you’ll just have to take my word for it.


Sugar, Throwing Muses and The Boo Radleys

November 20, U of U Ballroom

Was this the loudest show you’ve ever been to in your life? Painfully so. Apparently Mr. [Bob] Mould wanted the show to be so incredibly loud. What’s that old saying? If you can’t play good…

The Boo Radleys played an all-out sonic assault on the audience, much to the surprise of those in attendance. There was a wall of guitar noise akin to early Swans or Sonic Youth, only prettier and more emotion laden. Starting off the set with “Does This Hurt?” and then launching straight into “Sometime Soon She Said” from 1991’s Boo Up! EP, the band played hard and with insatiable energy. Some of the other highlights of the set were longer versions of “Skyscraper” and “Lazy Day.” The Boo Radleys were joined on a couple of songs by a female trumpet player who was met with cat-calls and wolf whistles. Not very PC, Salt Lake! The horn playing added depth to their live show as it does to their latest Creation release Everything’s Alright s Forever, but the band failed to play the lovely ballad “Spaniard,” which opens the album with acoustic guitar and trumpet. Disappointing, but that didn’t detract from a great performance.

What can I say about Throwing Muses? Muses were definitely the strong point of the show, playing just as tightly as a three piece as any time I’ve seen them with four members. They didn’t act or sound like a band who have undergone loads of personal turmoil in the past year. New bassist Bernard Georges fits in well with Kristin Hersh and David Narcizo, not missing a beat as they tore through songs that spanned the 4AD career of the Muses, from “Hate My Way” all the way up to “Pearl,” “Firepile”and “Furious.” Muses even threw in their cover of Hendrix‘s “Manic Depressions” b-side from a recent single. While Hersh seems even more subdued and introverted than past shows, it was the music that stood out and took control. Whether playing fast, incredibly fast or slow, Throwing Muses cleared up any doubt as to why they are one of the most interesting and innovative bands to grace the shores of these United States in ages.

Sugar? Well, Bob Mould’s lost a bit of weight since the last time he was in Salt Lake, eh?


D.O.A., Cherry Poppin’ Daddies and Athletes ButtConcert Reviews: D.O.A.

December 1, Bar & Grill

Punk fuckin’ rock. That totally describes this evening.

Imagine if you will, Harry Connick, Jr. sped up a thousand times, mix in a dose of hardcore, and you have Cherry Poppin’ Daddies. They have all the makings of a ska band, but they sound like dinner music, complete with organ, a three piece horn section, fast guitar, and these boys brewed up a stew of punk rock that shivered m’ timbers.

D.O.A., definitely one of punk rock’s heavyweight contenders, stopped in town to make fun of the Mormons and say that Salt Lake’s Golden Eagles sucked. They also stopped long enough to rock the roof of The Bar & Grill. They played old stuff and some new stuff, however, they never got around to playing my favorite, “Afrikana Security.”

The prize for being the most punk rock was the fuck face that stole my coat.


Down by Law, Triggerman and Lumberjack

December 12, Club Starrz

I have really been impressed by the amount of people who are finally coming to shows at Starrz, but the bands still need more support. You cats missed a killer show this time around.

Concert Reviews: Decomposer

Lumberjack … was one cool opener. They are great and the line-up consists of four boys you have seen around a long time. They have fused together to form a great band.

Triggerman impressed me more the last time they were in town two summers ago, but they still were pretty cool.

Boys and girls, I was at Dawn by Law and you weren’t. Dave Smalley, (formerly of All and Dag Nasty), father of punk rock, always rubs me the right way. This was definitely the feel good concert of the year. There was no pit, no trouble makers and a smile on everyone’s face.


Salt Flat CD Release Party

December 15, DV8 

This show was definitely a lot of fun. It was by far one of the best shows I’ve seen, even though I’ve seen all of the bands “a million times.”

Lumberjack, one of the coolest bands in Salt Lake, heated up the crowd. I have to admit I really like Jeremy‘s voice.

The Next band, Stoneface, rocked. I even got the chance to hear one of their best songs, “12th Of November.”  Great job guys.

My Jesus Bird Bath!!! Decomposers are really amazing. I have never seen a band as well dressed as these guys were that night. They easily topped the night by playing several new songs.

Oh, I touch myself, Tarrence is so cute. The Bad Yodelers played some old stuff and some new stuff, but really no favorites.

I think the evening was successful, I hope the CD does as well as the show does.

Check out more from the SLUG Archives:
Concert Reviews: December 1992
Concert Reviews: June 1992