May 3, 2023

Contributor Limelight: Alton Barnhart

Alton Barnhart joined our team of Editorial Interns last November, and his incomparable wit has been a fixture of our office life since. In his writing, Alton balances this jubilant personality with a nuanced understanding of journalistic technical processes—he’s one of the brightest new voices we have on the team. Check out his feature on BikeWalk Provo as part of our May 2023 Bike issue.

Articles by contributor

King of the (Micro) Nation

King of the (Micro) Nation

After lots of searching, SLUG Editorial Assistant Alton Barnhart found the perfect spot for his new nation, with zero contact from the outside world. … read more

Local Music Singles Roundup: March 2025

Local Music Singles Roundup: March 2025
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Lend your ears to the high reigns of this month’s Local Music Singles Roundup! Lay down your crown and spearhead your way through a fair share of metal, grunge, R&B and… gorecore? … read more

A Brief Historia and Uncertain Odyssey of the Salt Lake Underground

A Brief Historia and Uncertain Odyssey of the Salt Lake...

This article is dedicated to JR Ruppel, the flannel-clad trailblazer who put ink to paper, and an absolute bastard to track down. Thank you for starting it all! … read more

The Sexy, Surreal Spanish Soap Opera of Rains Over Babel

The Sexy, Surreal Spanish Soap Opera of Rains Over Babel

So throw back your “elixir of life” and let the music take you as you’re dragged down into the blacklight purgatory of Rains Over Babel. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Animated Short Film Program

Sundance Film Review: Animated Short Film Program

Just because it was hand-drawn, digitized or molded by clay doesn’t mean the final product is elementary. Here’s how Sundance’s Animated Short Film Program went down! … read more

Pee-wee as Himself: The Posthumous Rise of the Larger-Than-Life Persona

Pee-wee as Himself: The Posthumous Rise of the Larger-Than-Life Persona

With somber interjections from Paul Reubens himself, the audience discovers the muddier side to fame as he struggles with his lonely, closeted sexuality. … read more

The Contemporary Not-So-Love Story of One to One: John & Yoko

The Contemporary Not-So-Love Story of One to One: John &...

One to One: John & Yoko might’ve been all over the place, but so was that generation. … read more

Didn’t Die: Those Tormented Groans Are Coming From The Audience

Didn’t Die: Those Tormented Groans Are Coming From The Audience

I give director Meera Menon some credit for providing a unique perspective on the end of the world, but Didn’t Die would’ve had to tear me limb from limb to get my attention. … read more

God Never Spoke, Only Beast: The Biblical Desperation of Beast Games

God Never Spoke, Only Beast: The Biblical Desperation of Beast...

Join me as I sit down in a crowded theatre of disqualified contestants as we boggle at the multi-fixed dangling-key spectacle that is Beast Games. … read more

The Saltiest Pseudo-Saints of Secondhand Screenings

The Saltiest Pseudo-Saints of Secondhand Screenings

There have to be more features with Utahn cultural significance that fly under the radar. Well, if there’s anything I’ve learned when uncovering forgotten cinema: When in doubt, book a trip to Deseret Industries. … read more

Top Five Albums of 2024 to Enter Your Wrongdoer Era

Top Five Albums of 2024 to Enter Your Wrongdoer Era

Follow this Top Five Albums of 2024 step-by-step (musical) guide to see if you’re in mid-development of your “wrongdoer” era. … read more

Raiding the Airwaves: The Legacy of Jimmy Chunga and Radio Ronin

Raiding the Airwaves: The Legacy of Jimmy Chunga and Radio...

Tuning my signal to the Sin City airspace, I spoke with Jimmy Chunga, the ringleader of 101.9 The End (and now, the podcast Radio Ronin), to analyze this curve. … read more

Double Feature: Secondhand Screenings and Scriptures

Double Feature: Secondhand Screenings and Scriptures

So sit back, relax and enjoy this double feature of secondhand screenings. And remember, no one puts the “A” in “USA” (more “Anarchy) like yours truly. … read more

Review: Tyler, the Creator — CHROMAKOPIA

Review: Tyler, the Creator — CHROMAKOPIA

CHROMAKOPIA was a good listen but die-hard Tyler suckers will probably want me dead as I find the whole album just a “good” listen. … read more



Action Bronson’s JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACHLAVA THE DOCTOR was a fun listen every time I pressed repeat, but “fun” doesn’t mean “groundbreaking.” … read more

Ten More Secondhand Screenings for the Spooky Season

Ten More Secondhand Screenings for the Spooky Season

So I’m back, with a pillowcase of toothaches and some physical flicks buried. Some spooky, some childish, some… autumn-adjacent? … read more

Film Review: The Night Eats The World

Film Review: The Night Eats The World

The Night Eats The World is the type of movie that came at the wrong time in the right place. … read more

Film Review: Tower of Terror

Film Review: Tower of Terror

Tower of Terror as a whole is less of an original property and more of a two-hour-long theme park commercial. … read more

Confusion is Canon: My Experience at Salt Lake’s FanX 2024

Confusion is Canon: My Experience at Salt Lake’s FanX 2024

The Salt Lake FanX Comic & Pop Culture Convention has ripped a crack in the wall through time and space once again. … read more

Film Review: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Film Review: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice was an entertaining watch to say the least, but the freshness projected is encased in embalming fluid. … read more

Six Deep Descents into Deseret Industries’ Bargain Bin

Six Deep Descents into Deseret Industries’ Bargain Bin

So here they are: six lesser-known flicks, whether on a physical DVD or VHS (shocking nowadays) or fished out from the DI’s wheelie bin. … read more

Another Man’s Treasure at the Redwood Drive-in Theatre Swap Meet

Another Man’s Treasure at the Redwood Drive-in Theatre Swap Meet

Since 1960, Redwood has been hosting this acre-wide flea market, featuring over 500 different vendors to boot. … read more

The Brooks Nielsen Interview: When You’re Living In A Dream

The Brooks Nielsen Interview: When You’re Living In A Dream

Brooks Nielsen has always had a calling with music. If you love the almost vintage stylings of old country or beach rock, catch Nielsen’s Chinese Fountain Tour. … read more

Local Review: jacked johnson – the gas

Local Review: jacked johnson – the gas

*Sounds of Sazerac Rye poured in a snifter, a quick inhale, throwback, gulp and slamdown of the glass. Slow exhale* …Alright, let’s do this! … read more

A Rundown of Napoleon Fest 2024, You Frickin’ Idiots!

A Rundown of Napoleon Fest 2024, You Frickin’ Idiots!

Napoleon Fest 2024 took place from July 26–27 in the dead center of Preston, Idaho. For two days, the town hosted an event of homegrown hospitality and family-friendly fun. … read more

Review: Eminem – The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce)

Review: Eminem – The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de...

Cementing himself as one of the most powerhouse rappers in the music industry, Eminem has fought tooth and nail to make it to the top. … read more



BARBARIAN FAITH HEALER attempt to wrangle the Donald Trump election and grab it by the nuclear-wasted, genetically-modified, apple pie-flavored balls. … read more

White Knuckled: A Day at Lagoon Amusement Park

White Knuckled: A Day at Lagoon Amusement Park

Farmington’s very own Lagoon Amusement Park has reshaped and relocated into the bustling family fun zone that it is today. … read more

Review: Twenty One Pilots – Clancy

Review: Twenty One Pilots – Clancy

I’ll level with you for a minute—I was a bit late to the Twenty One Pilots scene. … read more

Belle: The Futuristic Retelling That Saved The Theater Experience

Belle: The Futuristic Retelling That Saved The Theater Experience

Extending an arm of warmth and love to pull us out of those dark times. While the last couple of years told us to survive, Belle was telling us to live again. … read more

What’s In My Closet? with Ms. Meredith

What’s In My Closet? with Ms. Meredith

The closet: A cluttered gateway to the personality and mindset of its inhabitants. Or, to many individuals in the LGBTQ+ community, the launching point to find one’s true self. … read more

Local Music Singles Roundup: June 2024

Local Music Singles Roundup: June 2024
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Another month, another six phenomenal singles from Salt Lake’s best local bands, from Elowyn’s debut ballad “The Fool” to Zodiac Killer’s “Torn In Two.” … read more

Local Review: Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions – Never Give Up

Local Review: Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions – Never...

Gary Dranow’s Never Give Up is an album… that’s it. Trust me, I really wanted this to be more engaging than your run-of-the-mill Americana album. … read more

17 Stand-Out Performances from Kilby Block Party 5

17 Stand-Out Performances from Kilby Block Party 5
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With a disco ball-glistening atmosphere and a star-studded lineup that could rival Coachella in sheer talent, Kilby Block Party was an absolute fever dream. … read more

Cruisin’ The Current: A Quick Chat with Current Joys

Cruisin’ The Current: A Quick Chat with Current Joys

Through manic, scribbled-out notes and a partially-eaten tape cassette, Rattigan detailed a behind-the-scenes look to his DIY style and musical antecedent.  … read more

Review: Castle Rat – Into the Realm

Review: Castle Rat – Into the Realm

Dark forces, brutal battle tactics, the patina of grimey dread and fierce snarls—all were possible for this quartet’s viscous sludge of rocking calamity. … read more

Series Review: Fallout (Season One)

Series Review: Fallout (Season One)

Fallout is an entertaining journey that doesn’t take itself too seriously in overall message, yet carries a ton of heart and soul. … read more

Local Music Singles Roundup: May 2024

Local Music Singles Roundup: May 2024
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The sun is out (occasionally) and SLUG is back at it again with May’s Local Music Singles Roundup! … read more

Review: Jazmin Bean – Traumatic Livelihood

Review: Jazmin Bean – Traumatic Livelihood

Traumatic Livelihood represents the blackened eye that time may heal physically, but the emotional wear-and-tear will always remain. … read more

Hankerings for the Hangover: Top 8 Local Cure-Alls

Hankerings for the Hangover: Top 8 Local Cure-Alls
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Your head is ten sizes too big, as you projectile-vomit multicolored regret. How will this ever go away? With the help of SLUG Magazine, of course! … read more

Local Review: Jacob T. Skeen – Telestial

Local Review: Jacob T. Skeen – Telestial

Fresh off the electric high of SLUG Mag’s 35th Anniversary Party, Jacob T. Skeen fires off punk-experimental mortar rounds at every bystanding listener to mosh for cover in his new album Telestial. … read more

Local Music Singles Roundup: April 2024

Local Music Singles Roundup: April 2024
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The SLUG team is back to deliver the musical medicine that offers relief as you’re being edged by the broken promises of spring’s coming. … read more

Film Review: Lisa Frankenstein

Film Review: Lisa Frankenstein

Lisa Frankenstein is an entertaining slasher with hilarious kills and pretty artsy dialogue to pry out a chuckle. … read more



With resources they are provided—and only seeing the tip of its full potential—AN EXERCISE IN HUMAN ERROR feels like it’s been reduced to a 4-bit Game & Watch. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Invisible Nation

Slamdance Film Review: Invisible Nation

Invisible Nation’s 85-minute runtime does not linger on cliche storytelling, where it could easily drive the tone into make-believe propaganda.  … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Experimental Shorts Block

Slamdance Film Review: Experimental Shorts Block

No matter how abstract or avant-garde the methods of madness are, no one does experimental filmmaking better than the 2024 Slamdance Film Festival. Witness, if you will, six deviant directors and writers dispatching a visual display of 100% free-wandering consciousness. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Restorage

Slamdance Film Review: Restorage

The new, independent sci-fi series Restorage follows three siblings who inherit a seemingly-ordinary storage unit after their father’s passing. … read more

Top 5 Rock-Distorting Albums of 2023 to End The World (and The Year)

Top 5 Rock-Distorting Albums of 2023 to End The World...

Pop open a stolen Veuve Clicquot, sit on the steps of Capitol Hill and drone out the vaporizing mushroom clouds with five of the best rock albums from this year. … read more

Local Gift Ideas for the Main Character who Always Crits on their Wisdom Saving Throw

Local Gift Ideas for the Main Character who Always Crits...

A hero must rise to purchase the greatest nerd paraphernalia for the geekiest of their friends and family! Shop locally this season at some of SLC’s best gamer hotspots. … read more

Film Review: Courtney Gets Possessed

Film Review: Courtney Gets Possessed

So, with a bland storyline and characters you don’t give a shit about, Courtney Gets Possessed is the perfect film to throw on during a “Netflix and Chill” night. … read more

Time For a Bigger Machete: Mezcal’s Slow but Steady Process With DABS

Time For a Bigger Machete: Mezcal’s Slow but Steady Process...

SLUG sat down with Francis Fecteau, wine broker and owner of Libation, LLC, to discuss the trials of mezcal in Utah. … read more

Local Music and Spirits Roundup: November 2023

Local Music and Spirits Roundup: November 2023
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This month, SLUG is shaking things up by pairing craft local spirits with the best new music from the Salt Lake Valley and beyond! … read more

Jake Reedy: The Tinkering, “Any Means Necessary” Artist of Postmodern Design

Jake Reedy: The Tinkering, “Any Means Necessary” Artist of Postmodern...

Reedy is not your typical designer. When it comes to materials, nothing stays sacred for long. “I like the idea of being anti-genre,” he says. … read more

Local Music Singles Roundup: October 2023

Local Music Singles Roundup: October 2023
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All Hollow’s Eve is creeping in on us foolish mortals once again. SLUG is ditching the tricks and dishing out some raving treats in the October edition of our Local Music Singles Roundup! … read more

Film Review: Psychosis

Film Review: Psychosis

Psychosis is a chilling homage to the noir genre, sprinkling Easerhead oddities throughout. … read more

Local Music Singles Roundup: August 2023

Local Music Singles Roundup: August 2023
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Savor every last moment of vacation heat by checking out our August Local Music Singles Roundup, featuring artists from the Salt Lake Valley! … read more

Local Review: Tycoon Machete – The Great Machine

Local Review: Tycoon Machete – The Great Machine

Tycoon Machete’s first full length album is a post-grunge, psychedelic slumber, with their anti-capitalist lyrics etched on the glass inside of a lava lamp. … read more

Film Review: The Black Guelph

Film Review: The Black Guelph

John Connors’ clouds the Emerald Isle in a darker, more spiteful tone in The Black Guelph’s look at Ireland’s decaying underclass. … read more

Localized: Jon Bean and The Eyerollers

Localized: Jon Bean and The Eyerollers

Jon Bean and The Eyerollers seem to be fresh to the local music scene, but each member is supplied with an background that stretches back to the late ’80s. … read more

Localized: PERSONA 749

Localized: PERSONA 749

PERSONA 749 is one of those Salt Lake bands that is heavily intertwined with its homegrown roots through background and lyrics. … read more

Safer Streets, Happier Feet: BikeWalk Provo’s Uphill Journey

Safer Streets, Happier Feet: BikeWalk Provo’s Uphill Journey

When Aaron Skabelund realized how dangerous the lack of transportation awareness made travel, even over a small distance, he knew there had to be a change. … read more

Review: Endless, Nameless – Living Without

Review: Endless, Nameless – Living Without

Endless, Nameless = Paramore–Sweet Spirit + Suicidal Tendencies + stage equipment falling off a cliff … read more