Sundance Film Review: Violation

Violation Directors: Madeleine Sims-Fewer and Dusty Mancinelli DM Films Premiere: 01.31, 10:00 p.m. Streaming on Shudder: 03.25 Content warning: This article  address issues of sexual violence and assault. Please take that in advisement as you read and share it. Sometimes seeing something on screen that feels disturbingly real provides film with its only means to

SLUG Style: A ’La Mode SLC

This month's "SLUG Style" features sisters Angelique and Jasmine Gordon of A 'La Mode SLC, a boutique and personal-styling service.

Angelique and Jasmine Gordon are sisters, small-business owners and personal stylists. They own A ’La Mode SLC, a boutique and personal-styling service. Every month, “SLUG Style” features a distinct and unique member of the community and asks them why they do what they do. Exploring more than just clothing, “SLUG Style” endeavors to feature the

Cruisin’ with the Locals: S&S Concert Cruise 07.17 w/ Joshua James, Brother., Harpers, Little Moon and Nicholas James

S&S's Concert Cruise series is a good way to spend socially distanced time with friends and family, and they’re a great way to support local musicians.

S&S’s Concert Cruise series is a good way to spend socially distanced time with friends and family, and they’re a great way to support local musicians. … read more

8th Annual SLUG Cat 06.27 @ Saturday Cycles

From left to right: Britton Hatch, 2nd place; Kenna O, 1st place; Anna Bugbee & Kara Hastings, 3rd place.

On Saturday, June 27 SLC cyclists donned their masks and rallied together at Saturday Cycles to compete in the 8th Annual SLUG Cat! … read more

Local Review: The Monarchs – The Depth

The Monarchs | The Depth | Self-Released

The Monarchs The Depth Self-Released Street: 09.13.19 The Monarchs = Radiohead + Deep Purple Salt Lake City–based band The Monarchs have released their newest album, The Depth. Formed in 2015, their sound is overarchingly hard rock with travels into experimentation with  doom and psych genres, compiling it all into a shoegaze-like structure. Also rooted in

Film Review: Love. Wedding. Repeat

This is the kind of movie that believes that all you have to do to achieve cinematic gold is to combine treacly romance with a constant stream of vulgar sexual references.

Love. Wedding. Repeat Director: Dean Craig Notorious Pictures Streaming on Netflix 4.10 One of the reasons that romantic comedy is such an inconsistent genre is that there are generally  two major goals: One is creating situations that the audience can relate to, and the other is creating characters they can live through vicariously. These are

26 Minutes: The Densest Brewery Path in SLC

The 26-minute route among the breweries of Kiitos, Fisher, Templin, Proper and Epic comprises the densest brewery path in SLC.

Taking a “beercation” is a heck of a lot of fun! We’ve traveled to some of the best areas in the United States for beer, and we know the value of having numerous breweries in a given vicinity. First, who doesn’t love the ability to walk from brewery to brewery? It’s just plain fun to

Sundance Film Review: Summertime

Raul Herrera, Jason Alvarez, Benet Benton, Amaya Blankenship, Tyris Winter, Gordon Ip, Lydia Ip, Maia Mayor, and Marquesha Babers appear in Summertime by Carlos Lopez Estrada, an official selection of the NEXT program at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival. Courtesy of Sundance Institute | photo by John Schmidt. All photos are copyrighted and may be used by press only for the purpose of news or editorial coverage of Sundance Institute programs. Photos must be accompanied by a credit to the photographer and/or 'Courtesy of Sundance Institute.' Unauthorized use, alteration, reproduction or sale of logos and/or photos is strictly prohibited.

Summertime Sundance Film Festival Director: Carlos López Estrada Opening with a girl wearing roller skates, singing poetry into her guitar on a pier in Venice Beach, Summertime establishes the plot as a snapshot in the day of a life of different teens and young adults around Los Angeles. There are many characters in the story,

Review: Candlemass – The Door to Doom

Candlemass | The Door to Doom | Napalm

The Door to Doom is a great gap-bridger of the group’s older works and the newer sound. It terrifically manages the older and more melodic realms of albums like the debut, Epicus Doomicus Metallicus/, yet distills the harder, bombastic riffs of King of the Grey Islands and the last record, Psalms for the Dead. … read more

Local Review: Your Meteor – Byzantium

Your Meteor – Byzantium

Laying back, staring up at the vast night sky and thinking about the mysteries of life—that’s where I find myself every time I put this album on. Music works best when it’s treated like a rollercoaster of emotions, and that’s exactly the kind of ride that Your Meteor have constructed with their latest LP. Syncopated rhythms, interweaving guitar lines, playful melodic vocals—Byzantium is full of it all and much more. … read more

Review: Sorcier des Glaces – North

Sorcier des Glaces – North

This Québécois group has had something special and unique going on since the ’90s, and despite being underground in most regards, they’ve never put out a mediocre album. I first heard them through their split with Monarque, another under appreciated yet highly skilled and awesome band from the same side of our Northern neighboring country. Have Sorcier des Glaces lost their touch of frosty, sinister, Canadian black metal with this album, you ask? … read more

Review: Winkie – Come to My Party

Winkie – Come to My Party

Winkie describe their music as the sound of drowning, imagery reflected on the cover of their second full-length album. Come To My Party is an invitation. It’s definitely not an invitation to a party with balloons and frosted cakes with kids from school giving you hastily bought presents from the thrift store. This party is more like a meat grinder with strobe lights. … read more

Review: Death Index – Self-titled

Frontman Carson Cox of Merchandise and Marco Rapisarda (from labels Hell, Yes! and No Good) have teamed up to deal out their latest noise-soaked, hardcore-meets-art punk side project: Death Index. Their heady, self-titled debut album is punishing yet majestic, with a mission firmly rooted in those “primordial days of art punk”—think another punk duo, Suicide, and their nervy tendencies—that traverses doom, goth and post-punk in its hardcore endeavor. … read more

Review: The Wakedead Gathering – Fuscus: Strings of the Black Lyre

The Wakedead Gathering – Fuscus: Strings of the Black Lyre

The Wakedead Gathering Fuscus: Strings of the Black Lyre I, Voidhanger Records Street: 2.05 The Wakedead Gathering = early Katatonia + Repulsion x Godflesh The band name completely threw me off on this one, I thought I was about to listen to something totally fucking shitty, like Hollywood Undead, or, to a lesser but still-pretty-fucking-shitty

National Review: My Education, Theta Naught — Sound Mass III: Ampersand

t might be a little blasphemous to bring out the Radiohead comparisons this early, but the instrumentals on this project are seriously next level: haunting violins, big drums and beautiful guitars galore. … read more

Comics About Lawyers and Monsters … Or You Might Ask, What’s the Difference?

Comics About Lawyers and Monsters. Issue 83, November 1995.

It snowed the week Batton Lash, writer and artist of Wolff & Byrd: Counselors of the Macabre (a comic about lawyers who represent the supernatural because even monsters need legal counsel), flew into Salt Lake City with his lovely wife and publisher, Jackie Estrada. They were on a mission to autograph books for comic fans

Gang Of Four

Gang of four is written in blocky text over a green smattered background.

The seminal Gang Of Four released their new album Shrinkwrapped in September. This is the group’s first recording since 1991’s Mall. The Gang Of Four has reappeared, and the core songwriting duo lineup of guitarist Andy Gill and vocalist Jon King is intact. Curve’s Steve Monti pounded the skins, while Iggy Pop side man Phil