Twilight Concert Series 2015: PRhyme With Adrian Younge and Bishop Nehru
Music Festival Coverage
Week three of the Twilight Concert Series takes a trip down hip-hop alley to draw out a new crowd of fans who were eager to get a taste of this year’s artists; Bishop Nehru and PRhyme. With Wiz Khalifa performing the same night at another venue, the turnout was expected to be down.
However, to my surprise, the park managed to stay packed throughout the night. City Weekly Best of Utah Music 2015 winner J Godina started off the evening with his remarkable skills on the tables, with Bishop Nehru following shortly after. Whether or not you are a fan of the hip-hop genre, Twilight tends to draw out people from all sorts of diverse backgrounds and musical disciplines.
Thursday night’s crowd was the most diverse thus far with metalheads, hipsters, break-dancers, babies and more. The Twilight Zone was beginning to take effect, as I felt like I was whisked off to some unexplainable dimension where people from all around Utah came together to check out this show. Without question, anyone in attendance enjoyed themselves on Thursday night, and while I have a mild interest in the hip-hop genre, I have respect for the art form nonetheless.
Anyone who can get on stage in a public park in one of the most conservative cities in America and scream “Fuck!” several times, with no apologies whatsoever, has my full attention and admiration.