Love in a Lightbulb Factory: Fucked Up Goes to the Opera

Love in a Lightbulb Factory: Fucked Up Goes to the...

Canadian hardcore stalwarts Fucked Up have just released a landmark album in their ten-year career: a true life rock opera. With a dizzying assortment of hardcore singles, three well received full lengths (one of which is a Polaris Music Prize winner), prominent slots on the indie festival circuit, and a newfound following of eye-rolling, slack-jawed hipsters who’ve just now accepted hardcore, Fucked Up has met incessant praise for their transcendent approach to punk rock. … read more

Wicked Cool Records

Wicked Cool Records

As the United States slowly rots into a stinking musical wasteland, Steven Van Zandt is fighting tooth and nail to save rock n’ roll in its purest and most beautiful form. Van Zandt, who is a weird, walking, breathing encyclopedia of cool, has managed to piece together the aptly named New York-based Wicked Cool Records. Since 2006, Wicked Cool has released some of the most important rock n’ roll that you’ve probably never heard of. … read more

Dead To Me’s Stampede of the Unscreamed

Dead To Me’s Stampede of the Unscreamed

“There’s all these things that we know about, that we should be talking about, but we’re not,” says Chicken, vocalist and bassist of San Francisco’s Dead To Me. While Dead To Me do touch upon common subjects such as war and homelessness in their songs, their takes on such subject matter aren’t your typical “elephants in the room.” “We’re interested in talking about the things that people shy away from, which are our emotions, our fears, our drives.” … read more

You, Me and The Devil: The Devil Makes Three

You, Me and The Devil: The Devil Makes Three

Drawing from folk, hot jazz, all types of acoustic music and just enough edge to put punk on the list, The Devil Makes Three is a one-of-a-kind act that has been spellbinding audiences around the country. This drummer-less three-piece conjures up thoughts of Depression-era sting and jug bands, but remains relevant to the present day. I had a chance to talk to frontman Pete Bernhard about the genesis of such a band and where The Devil Makes Three fits in this contemporary music scene. … read more

Fuckin’ Fixies: Sam Allgood FGFS Profile

Fuckin’ Fixies: Sam Allgood FGFS Profile

Get off the road. Get some gears. Get a brake. Sam Allgood hears it all as he rides his fixed gear bike, and what does he have to say about it? “Brakes will just slow you down.” So without further ado, here’s SLUG Mag’s first interview with a fixed gear freestyle rider. … read more

The Riders Project: A New Way to Give

The Riders Project: A New Way to Give

Philanthropy is a word that seldom enters the vocabulary of younger generations. It’s not that we don’t care, but between rising gas, tuition and beer prices, there is not much left over after the bills are paid. Enter TheRidersProject.org, a small organization with large aspirations to get young people, especially those active in the outdoors, to donate to worthy causes around the globe. … read more

Superbike Slides with Tate Roskelley

Superbike Slides with Tate Roskelley

Tate Roskelley is a rare breed. You’re more likely to see him riding his bike backward down a stair-set or manualing a chain than you are to see him in a skate park. Despite all of his abnormalities, this Utah native has his feet firmly planted in the professional BMX industry with his own signature frame, the Volume Drifter, and mind-blowing full-length video parts and online-edits with companies like Volume and Demolition. … read more

Utah Arts Festival (Music & Entertainment) 06.23.11 – 06.26.11

Utah Arts Festival (Music & Entertainment) 06.23.11 – 06.26.11

A collection of images from performances at the Utah Arts Festival 2011, including (in order of appearance), Blue Lotus, Joshua Payne Orchestra, Muscle Hawk, Fictionist, My Dead Ego, The Suicycles, Holy Water Buffalo, The Rubes and Big Sam’s Funky Nation.
Photos: Eric Scott Russell (www.ericscottrussell.com) … read more

Making Some Paper Noise: Potter Press at Alt Press Fest

Making Some Paper Noise: Potter Press at Alt Press Fest

Paper Noise, a zine published by husband and wife duo Nick and Erin Potter, is the latest manifestation of the adventurous, collaborative spirit behind their Potter Press. Starting from the traditional DIY aesthetic of a zine, but adding more sophisticated design and printmaking techniques, Paper Noise is a showcase for writers and artists who submit works inspired by mixtapes Nick curates. … read more

Blonde Grizzly Year One

Blonde Grizzly Year One

When I walked into Blonde Grizzly, owners Caleb and Hillary Barney greeted me immediately and were happy to show me their latest addition to the gallery. It wasn’t a painting and it wasn’t a T-shirt or a new piece of jewelry. It was their brand new bundle of joy in a baby carriage, Lily. She slept quietly as we chatted, snug and cozy between the fixtures and decorative art lining the walls of the independent shop, which is celebrating its one-year anniversary this month. … read more