Photographer: Weston Colton

Banzai Skatepark
Banzai Skatepark opened their doors around six months ago. Banzai is in the town of Lindon, Utah, which is about 45 minutes from Salt Lake. SLUG recently had the chance to speak with the general manager of Banzai, Grant McCarty, about some of the finer points of the park. … read more

Skate Photo Feature
Dirk’s skateboarding is full of unconventional tricks. He comes up with some pretty harebrained ideas and, somehow, pulls them off with style and ease. Look at that last frame. … read more

Skate Photo Feature
This photo is for the SLUG readers who “used to skate” … … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Alex Washington
I know what you’re thinking—"Another ollie photo?!" That’s right, another ollie photo. But you know what? There are a lot more kids out there who can kickflip a 10-stair than kids who can ollie this block. … read more

The Bourne Skate-dentity
Salt Lake City’s next generation of Sk801 rippers is here, seeking out all of the tracked and untracked territory that this city has to offer, and Christian Bourne is one of them. A mellow dude off his skateboard and an absolute animal on one (kid straight-up broke a handrail on a back lip attempt), Bourne and I found some time to chat at Fairmont Park while we watched the rest of his crew tear up the park. … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Eric Nguyen
Last June, I went out shooting with Eric for the first time. Actually, I think it was the first time we had even met. We found this nice gap Downtown and Eric got right to it, throwing switch heelflips. … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Carson Parkinson
I am a skateboarder first and a photographer second. With that in mind, there are a lot of tricks that I have always wanted to shoot, almost just to see the tricks done. A wallride over stairs is one of those tricks. … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Garrison Conklin
Some people just have unbelievable power and finesse in their ollies. Garrison is one of those guys. I would have been happy with an ollie from curb cut to curb cut here, but Garrison saw the challenge to clear the whole driveway to the flat on the other side, and went for it. … read more