Kilby Records: What it Really Comes Down to Is the Music
Good Times with Alex Hinton

Good Times with Alex Hinton

Ten years ago, Colby Burleson and Clint Marvin left Susie M’s to open Good Times Tattoo. SLUG recently had the chance to speak with Hinton about his experiences in the world of tattooing, as well as the tenth anniversary of Good Times Tattoo. … read more

Pablo Gonzales: On Point

Pablo Gonzales: On Point

Pablo Gonzales is from St. George, the opening portal from Arizona and Nevada into the land known as Utah. … read more

Localized: Negative Charge, Dubbed – August 2009

Localized: Negative Charge, Dubbed – August 2009

August’s Localized features three punk bands that seem to hold their high-energy performances together with a healthy (and sometimes excessive) amount of booze. Negative Charge and Dubbed each had plenty of booze-fueled stories to share with us. Check out the show with openers Desolate on Friday, August 14 at Urban Lounge. … read more

No Sleep Til’ Brooklyn

No Sleep Til’ Brooklyn

New York was the first destination in a recent trip I took. I was there for a short time but it was the first time I actually really got to skate there. Every other time, it was with family or just to drink myself silly. This time, I remained strangely sober and did a ton of skating in the course of a few days. Here are a few random observations if you plan to take a skate trip to New York. … read more

Devin York: A Cinderella Story

Devin York: A Cinderella Story

Devin York is a bit of an anomaly. He was a child prodigy who could salad grind handrails at the age of 13. He grinded a double-kink that most pros wouldn’t touch during his sophomore year of high school. Yet in this day and age of Shecklers and Hustons, York never quite received the “extreme” sponsorship he deserved. … read more



For a moment, walking into Herc’s home is like walking into anyone’s home, until you empty out into Herc’s Living Room, and the scene changes from cozy to state-of-the-art.  Although Herc’s high-end set up spans four rooms of his abode, the comfy furniture, carpeted spaces and secluded backyard garden keep the house that doubles as a recording studio feeling like a home.  … read more

If Jesus Can Walk on Water, I Can Walk on Beer

If Jesus Can Walk on Water, I Can Walk on...

Just like Christopher Columbus when he discovered the world wasn’t flat (I know you history buffs are cringing at this reference), I’ve decided to see the world. And by the world, I mean the area beyond North Temple and 2100 South. The world isn’t divided into corners—it’s limitless. So, I went to Ogden. … read more

Geek Show Us All

Geek Show Us All

Kerry Jackson of X96’s Radio From Hell and his cohorts have gathered in his basement and constructed a podcast that not only covers news of the sci-fi world and beyond, but has been entertaining enough to garner 20,000 plus downloads per episode. I had to see for myself what these geeks had been up to, so I ventured alone into the basement of a seemingly normal home and entered the world of the geek. … read more