Familia: An Interview with Ella Mendoza

Familia: An Interview with Ella Mendoza

In the past couple of years, Utah has incubated many fantastic local organizations that help Utah residents in various ways, but few are quite as badass as Utah’s Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement. … read more

Eat Local Week: Put Some Utah In Your Mouth

Eat Local Week: Put Some Utah In Your Mouth

Rising from an epic union among several of Utah’s most influential food and educational organizations, Eat Local Week promises to impress the most hardcore of picklers to the most timid of shoppers. Taking place from Sept. 12 to 19 at various venues across Salt Lake City, Eat Local Week is dedicated to showcasing our local

Desert Rose: Craft Lake City Artisan

Desert Rose: Craft Lake City Artisan

Desert Rose Jewelry desertroseshop.com Malinda Fisher’s favorite piece of jewelry that she’s ever made is also her very first metal work—a bold bracelet of hammered wire that wraps around her forearm. Fisher made the piece when she enrolled in a metal-smithing class in an effort to teach herself how to work with the raw material.

Impartworks: Craft Lake City Artisan

Impartworks: Craft Lake City Artisan

Impartworks impartworks.com Two years ago, Sacha Mercier took an unprecedented leap of faith into the world of functional design and community-centric craftsmanship. He thought of a name—Impartworks—and set his driveway up with a workbench, saw and drill. Using reclaimed wood—because free, recycled materials were initially his only option—Mercier built his first piece: a charming wall-mount

Little Teeth Marks: Craft Lake City Artisan

Little Teeth Marks: Craft Lake City Artisan

Little Teeth Marks etsy.com/shop/LittleTeethMarks Stacie Van Arsdale has created art—and stories—since elementary school. “I would bring materials from home and make these little pompom people,” she says. “I’d build a house for their sitcom lives.” Since then, the Davis County–based Van Arsdale has taken her wild imagination to run her Etsy shop, Little Teeth Marks,

Bitters Lab: Craft Lake City Craft Food

Bitters Lab: Craft Lake City Craft Food

Bitters Lab bitterslab.com Most people with a hobby like gardening or record collecting are usually content to keep their hobby as something fun and relaxing to do on the weekend. Most people probably don’t let their hobby take over an entire room of their house and eventually start a business with it. Andrea Latimer and

Queen Farina: Craft Lake City Craft Food

Queen Farina: Craft Lake City Craft Food

Queen Farina queenfarina.com Queen Farina, purveyors of raw honey and honey-based products, began as a scheme to keep Aubrey Johnson’s kids busy. “My sister called me up one day and said that she was trying to think of something to get her kids involved with to teach them the value of work,” says Gina Nielson,

Parchment and Pallet: CLC Vintage Vendor

Parchment and Pallet: CLC Vintage Vendor

Parchment and Pallet etsy.com/shop/ParchmentAndPallet “Be still, my heart,” I thought as I saw Jacqueline and Logan Whitmore bustling around their baby blue, 1950s Shasta trailer, making sure each item was nestled just right. Parchment and Pallet collect classic American retro items, mostly from the ’40s to the ’70s. You could find all sorts of gems

Salt Valley Vintage: CLC Vintage Vendor

Salt Valley Vintage: CLC Vintage Vendor

  Salt Valley Vintage etsy.com/shop/SaltValleyVintage Stepping into Jane Stringham’s apartment—which doubles as her work space—is like stepping into an episode of Mad Men. She has an eye for aesthetics that are clean, effortless and simultaneously charming, rich and, dare I say, groovy. Case in point: Hanging on her wall is a 1960s floral dress in