Italian for “the sailor’s dream,” il Sogno del Marinaio is a post-punk trio featuring legendary bass player Mike Watt—celebrated for his work with the Minutemen and for his recent stint in the reformed Iggy Pop and the Stooges.
Review: il Sogno del Marinaio – Canto Secondo
National Music Reviews

il Sogno del Marinaio
Canto Secondo
Street: 08.26
Il Sogno Del Marinaio = Minutemen + fIREHOSE + The Secondmen
Italian for “the sailor’s dream,” il Sogno del Marinaio is a post-punk trio featuring legendary bass player Mike Watt—celebrated for his work with the Minutemen and for his recent stint in the reformed Iggy Pop and the Stooges. This is the second record from the band. Watt originally met up with his two Italian bandmates while touring Europe on a solo record. It’s clear that this lineup reconnects Watt with some of his musical heritage, as much of it is reminiscent of the Minutemen/fIREHOSE sound—but with a more dream-like quality to it. “Animal Farm Tango” starts off with rudimentary marching drums overlaid with trancelike guitar and Watt’s gruff vocals before smoothing into the math/scientist rock you’d expect. The record floats from start to finish, taking the time for each track to find its footing. It’s a solid effort by an unbelievably good band. The best part? They’re playing the Urban Lounge on September 23. –James Bennett