National Music Reviews

From Brooklyn, New York, Hints’ long awaited debut EP is everything you’d expect and want from these talented new-wavers. No Regrets in Old English truly sounds like something lost from the mid-’80s, with rhythmic and hypnotic instrumentals that any fan of The Church or The Smiths could appreciate, and vocals that can rival Morrissey’s. Picking only one song to highlight is tough because No Regrets in Old English sounds like a greatest hits album. All of the tracks are that bit of comforting darkness you’d welcome with open arms. Though, if I had to pick just one song to listen to, it would be “Swans.” It starts with a haunting buildup and bursts into an energetic piece of art with beautiful vocals and memorable guitar riffs. Hints are coming out strong with their first EP—No Regrets in Old English is a modern new wave masterpiece. –Connor Brady