Local Reviews: Victims Willing
Local Music Reviews

Victims Willing
Old Bones and New Cadavers
Dr. Cyclops
Street: 08.09
Victims Willing = Nerve Agents + All Systems Fail + Union 13
I couldn’t be more impressed with a band I hadn’t heard a thing about until I had the CD in my hands. This is hardcore punk rock with just as much vibrancy and attention to melody as brutality, and it has as much viscosity as anyone can handle. Before I heard a note, I noticed it was a Dr. Cyclops release, which usually means horror up the ass. Though the record does tackle dark themes, the horror aspects are understated. The guitars seamlessly blend metal, rock and punk sounds. “Striking matches just to watch them burn, from cinders and ash there is no return,” is just a sample of the intricate weave of lyrics throughout this record. Not to get on my soapbox, but this is one of the best local releases I’ve ever heard.