Feature Band: Truce
Local Music Reviews
If you have ever seen Truce play live or heard one of their tapes, you already know how powerful they are. They are one of the few local bands that are just as good on tape as they are live. Over the last four years, they have acquired quite a following in Salt Lake.

Their fans range from die hard metal fans to punks and skaters. I wouldn’t call Truce strictly speed metal—some of their songs are slower and are definitely influenced by both punk and heavy metal.
They write catchy songs with some great lyrics. Check out “A.L.P.F.” from 1988’s Nictophobic tape, or “Ugg,” now a classic and most-requested at their gigs. They also do a killer version of Cream’s “Sunshine of Your Love” and Dylan’s “Rainy Day Women.” They don’t just play funny stuff though. “Euthanasia,” “License to Kill” and “Rigormortis” show that the band has other things on their minds. Don’t expect to be preached to at their gigs. Just expect a good mosh pit and high energy, speed-punk-trash-hard core-music to go with it.
Having formed in 1984 with the same five guys except for Paul, the drummer, who joined in early 1989 after playing with Deathcry, Baphomet, and Genocidal Existence, their longevity shows when you see them play live. They practice four nights a week, so they are always ready to play. I’ve seen them several times and they are consistently in top form.

Truce have opened for several touring bands including The Accused, Voivod, Violence, M.O.D., Kreator, Overkill, Coroner, Znowhite, C.O.C., Ludichrist, Coven, Laaz Rocket, along with many local bands and just recently at the Speedway Cafe with Black Ivory. Over 200 people turned up for the show. How’s that for a local show?
They have played at The Word several times, the Speedway, The Heavy Metal Shop, Touch of Class, the Refinery in Bountiful, and Z-Rock’s beach mosh party in 1988. They are always willing to play and they don’t care if they get top billing.
The band consists of Shaun, ex-Virgin Sin, Heathen and Corrupt on vocals; Brent, ex-Victims Willing and Gravy Boat on bass; Tracy, ex-Gravy Boat and Victims Willing on guitar; Steve, ex-Hellbender on guitar; and Paul, the latest drummer and everybody agrees by far the best.
These guys are devoted to their music, and if they keep going at the rate they are, they should draw some attention from some major record companies soon.
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