National Music Reviews

Modern Vices
Autumn Tone
Street: 10.21.14
Modern Vices = Shannon and the Clams / Twin Peaks + The Orwells
Imagine taking the crooning ballads of the ’50s—singing that’s indebted to doo-wop—and combining that with the noise and freewheeling energy of garage rock. It’s not that hard to imagine, but the result is irresistible. Beloved contemporary rock bands like Hunx & His Punx or Shannon and the Clams have tested the formula with success, but there’s less punk and more structure with Modern Vices. They’re a five-piece hailing from Chicago, leaning heavily on rock grit with sincere vocals that constantly howl at the moon. Every track on their debut LP could stand alone as a single, but as an album, we have one of the most promising rock bands emerging from Chicago right now. –Justin Gallegos