Well Okay - Homesick for a House Fire

Local Review: Well Okay – Homesick for a House Fire

Local Music Reviews

Well Okay - Homesick for a House FireWell Okay
Homesick for a House Fire

Street: 06.27
Well Okay = The Hold Steady + Andrew Jackson Jihad

Fans of locals Folk Hogan will like Well Okay. While it’s not as party-centric as our rowdy folk heroes, they will nevertheless enjoy the steadfast speed and passion in this album. Semi-political and confessional, the lyrics in this album will make your heart sink with sadness, much like Ghost Mice and Paul Baribeau. With raw acoustic guitar and hollow harmonica, Homesick for a House Fire is a tome about the blight of modern societal malaise. My only criticism would be that Adam Domnie needs to turn down the reverb and practice his long vocal tones. Other than that, this is a solid LP. –Alex Cragun