
Local Review: This Is My Airport – In D

Local Music Reviews

This Is My Airport
In D

A. Star Recordings
Street: 12.05
TIMA = Space Needle + Bob Dylan + John Cage + winter

Those kids at A. Star Recordings know what is going on. Just when you think blues is completely played out, along comes a recording such as In D. An obvious play on a classic blues progression, this album is anything but traditional. Most of the recordings are noisy and gritty while others are recorded with more clarity and avant-gardeness. Track three would be the best example of the latter, with what sounds like toy percussion playing atonally against a bluesy type guitar while droney voices shudder along. Add in a little throat singing and you are taken on a strange, eerie journey through some type of cold, barren wilderness. There is a lot of atmosphere on this album that is recorded too well to be considered a local recording. The performances are very engaging, and it is nice to have such a visceral experience while listening to music. It is freezing out!