Local Review: The Numbs – Nfinity

Local Music Reviews

The Numbs

Earthburn Records
Recorded by Andy Patterson, Numbs & Rick One
Street: 12.26.06
Numbs = Rotton Musicians+ Kerbloki + GunnarDagoRoosterAfakasiShanty

The Numbs have come a long way since their first release many years ago. With their trademark robotic sound style, this futuristic and hip hop album glorified with the street boom bappish lyrics of the four locals known as The Numbs – unveils their continued growth and strikes a nerve in your music library. They have pure and utter control over their style on every song. Sometimes cold, ever so often mean, occasionally fuzzed, repeatedly rhythmic and smooth proving that this record stands out as one of the most progressive local hip hop albums in a while. There’s a practiced, almost alert ease throughout the whole record. Depth without being deep, simplicity without being Simple and it’s hard not to walk away from Nfinity without a sense of what they are trying to portray,  years of dedication and a mutual love for the music they make.