Local Reviews: Cub Country

Local Music Reviews

Cub Country

Stretch That Skull Cover and Smile

Future Farmer Recordings


Cub Country = Jets to Brazil + Mister E.

Thankfully, a local band who had deep roots in the alt-country scene is changing it up. The twang on every song was getting a little tiresome ‘round these parts. Fortunately, Stretch That Skull Cover and Smile is really gutsy rock for most of the disc. Don’t fret CC fans, these guys aren’t reinventing themselves for the cover ofRevolver or anything, they’ve just progressed sound wise––as is their right. The last track, “The Stars Drip Down,” is an awe-inspiring showcase for Kathryne Youkstetter’s vocals in a song Jeremy Chatelain, bandleader, originally wrote as a lullaby. It’s one of the best songs on the album and one of the best songs to come out of the valley in a long while.