Local Music Reviews
The Moths
Street: 06.28
The Moths = The Jingoes + The Wolfs + andale!
The Moths are a Salt Lake band that merges the collective talents of Michael Sasich, Josh Dickson, Eli Morrison and Greg Midgely—and holy hell is it good. It’s been a while since a solid rock record with this much attention to composition has come out of our town. The straightforward verse-chorus-verse songwriting is refreshing and made better by quality musicianship, sharp guitar work and impeccable drumming. “You Sold My Soul” is a standout track that takes lyrics about pain and dishonesty and makes them sound upbeat. “In the Shadows” does something similar, taking words that describe an ugly situation and making them beautiful. The CD is packaged in a rectangular plastic bag with a toy surprise and a full booklet of artwork and lyrics. The only drawback is that the six-song album clocks in at just under 24 minutes—leaving the listener aching for more. Then again, leaving the listener with a desire for more music is a good thing. Well done, gentlemen. –Woodcock Johnson