Indie electro-pop is the en vogue subgenre at the moment and that is totally OK with me. The Lazy Waves’ latest EP combines a lot of the genre’s best traits, things like space-age synth sounds backing earthy lyrics and vocals, to create this solid four-track EP.
Local Review: The Lazy Waves – Wavetable
Local Music Reviews

The Lazy Waves
Street: 02.18
The Lazy Waves = (Crystal Castles + Rooney) x Erasure
Indie electro-pop is the en vogue subgenre at the moment and that is totally OK with me. The Lazy Waves’ latest EP combines a lot of the genre’s best traits, things like space-age synth sounds backing earthy lyrics and vocals, to create this solid four-track EP. The three-piece group’s offering kicks off nicely with its best, most danceable track, “Tonight (Get On The Streets),” which features an unidentifiable (by me, at least) sample about human exploration mixed in with advice from The Lazy Waves’ lead singer, Michael Gross, urging listeners that, “If you want to be someone, then get on the streets tonight.” It’s just a fun, toe-tap–inducing album with four fantastic songs. Best part? Get it for $3.50 on –Blake Leszczynski